Transference and Blame

Instead of accepting responsibility for one’s actions and thoughts, we tend to want to find another to blame for our situation so that we can be the victim and thus not be responsibile for our situation. These means that we can tell ourselves and others that we are blameless and without fault in difficult situations, in which we have been unable to control in order to obtain a desire outcome.

It is an all to familiar scenario we find these days. We cannot advance spiritually either as an individual or as a whole until we each learn to examine all situations and challenges in order to recognize and take responsibility for our actions and participation in the situation and the eventual outcome. If each participant had been mindful in the situation, and sought a higher perspective the impeccability of the actions of each would have brought forth a beneficial outcome for all involved.

All events and situations in our lives, especially those that are challenging are an opportunity to grow and experience our lives from a higher perspective. What is a higher perspective? It is when we go within our hearts, and seek to find peace and balance. In this state of balance, we can then ask to be show the higher perspective. Eventually, as we practice this self mastery, we will begin to live our lives fully guided by our soul and I Am Presence aligned to the Universal Mind and Oneness.

We will no longer see ourselves as Victims or use the victim psychology to not take responsibility for our actions and choices. Are there victims? That is a multi-level question, that most are able to fully understand yet, based on past life cause and effect, it can be complicated. Thus, I will say yes. For example, a baby that is abused or neglected, or an animal. They are victims, for they are being acted upon by one from which they are unable to defend themselves.

For most people there is a Law of listening Grace. That is where as I stated before we go within to our hearts and calm our energy, to ask to be shown and then listen for direction. When we move into self Mastery our lives become a state of Listening Grace, that is our normal state of Being. Our soul and our I Am Presence, are constantly trying to help us to live an impeccable life and to complete that which we came into this life to do and to make our Ascension.

For instance, there are stories where during 9-11 there were people who felt they should not get on a plane, or not go to work that day and who lived because of this guidance. What about he people who died. They were victims, but many made the choice not to spend their final moments on earth as victims and choose to be Heroes and help to save others, to take back their power. Those who died during these events, did not die in vain for they changed the perspective of humanity regarding the world, as did the victims of Covid 19.

Throughout our lives our soul is trying to guide us as are the Angels and other Light Beings. We need to listen in order to hear and to act upon that intuitive message. We learn to have faith in what we receive through practce. In this way we are no longer making ego centered choices and actions but ones to lead us into a more loving, enlightened and abundant life. Our ego choices are those that create the chaos of the world. When they don’t go the way we want we seek to transfer blame to another and be the victim.

Take back your power and authority in your life fo who you are, your choices and the life you create and live. Make your beliefs those that you know within are your truth, from your Soul and not the truth you were told you should hold as your ideal. BE ALL THAT YOU CAN BE. It is possible and starts by taking responsbility in your life.


I AM Margurite