Seeking Truth

Truth exists in the Soul.

I hope that the writing about a few of the synchronicities in my life, has spurred memories within you of the ones you have experienced. That was the purpose to awaken within you the realization that even if you weren’t aware throughout your life, someone or something, some connective force has been trying to guide you to find Truth and the higher path in your life. Sometimes, you listened and sometime you didn’t. Neither is wrong or right or makes you good or bad, they just are a part of our learning process and experience of growth and expansion to Ascend upon the Earth.

We have a plan when we come into life of what we want to learn and karmic patterns we wish to clear. We also have a plan about how we want to be of service, for believe it or not, one of the most important criteria, especially for starseeds is to be of service. It may surprise you to know that we carefully plan our life before we incarnate, we choose where we will live, our parents, what karmic patterns to try to clear, what we would like to learn and as I said how we can serve. We make plans and contracts within our star family to help each other and incarnate together. Our Soul and guardian Angel know our plan and together with our guides and teachers they work behind the scenes to create synchronicities, meetings and events to help us to fulfill our plan. They cannot interfere with our free will choice, they can only nudge us with these meetings, synchronicities, a song on the radio at the right time, a book falling on your head,etc.

All of this is designed to bring us to the higher wisdom and truth in life to help us to grow. The inspiration for this writing came today as I was awakened early and told to think about how people caught in the conspiracy theory conundrum are seeking truth, but get blocked or locked in the lower rational mind, instead of seeking the higher wisdom and truth within. For instance, in the 1990’s there was much talk about cloning, and then it was banned on humans and believed that the idea at least in the USA disappeared. The UFO conspiracy that was about crazy people until the last few years when the government finally admitted that there was something they couldn’t explain. Mind control experiments that supposedly ended but didn’t. Yes, all of these things simply go underground and continue on, into hidden projects.

There is not doubt that there are many things governments, and organizations have been doing behind the scenes for thousands of years. As I have said before, when we begin to awaken from the mass consciousness, we begin to see these hidden secrets that we simply ignored before or believed the official line of explanation, more than willing to go on with our lives unaffected. The problem that arises isn’t in now recognizing them, but getting caught up in another distraction where conspiracy theory becomes an obsession to which it occupies our mind and distracts us from seeking the higher truth and wisdom. We can get so caught up that it consumes us and becomes a focus of our fear, frustration and anger at all that we believe unjust in our lives.

We then become a part of the problem we are trying to expose instead of a part of the solution. It is in seeking the higher wisdom and truth which allows us to bring positive solutions guided by Universal Oneness that benefits humanity, earth and all life. We don’t have to seek explanations and justice at the 3D rational mind level, but we bring the higher solution of the Divine.

In the Christian Bible it says, Romans 3:19 says, Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

What does that mean? It means that if we try to make right an unjust situation from our rational mind of fear and ego, then most likely we will create karma for ourselves. For there are Universal laws, and one is the law of Cause and Effect that is commonly called Karma. This says that all energy must be balanced at some point in time. If we do something to create an unbalanced situation or someone does something to us, we don’t need to do something back to them, for the Law of Creation will take care of it. If not in this lifetime, then the next. Nothing goes unbalanced. This is the Lord taking care of things by the Universal Law of Creation. This is truth.

Instead of getting caught up in a conspiracy idea that could or could not be true and perhaps ending up committing an act of violence and harming another in our pursuit of what we believe is justice, all we do is create a karmic situation for ourselves instead of solving the problem. VIOLENCE is never the solution. The sword is not mightier than the word of Truth. Divine Truth always prevails for it is the Law of Creation, the essence of which is Unconditional Love.

Thus the theme of this sharing is that we designed our life before we incarnated. We asked for help and there are ones in Spirit who have been trying to help us to see and seek the higher truth and understanding all our lives by creating synchronicities to help us to awaken to the higher path. Look back upon your life and you will see the threads that have been woven throughout to bring you to a greater understanding and Truth of who you are, why you are here and where you are going.

May you seek the higher truth and wisdom and be aware of the synchronicities of your life. They are trying to guide you.



It was deemed to be so if we choose to Ascend.

A few decades ago, after the Harmonic Convergence in which humanity showed our desire and willingness to return to Unity Consciousness, it was decided that as Lady Gaia/ Earth ascends anyone who chooses Ascension will be given all the help possible to do so. Also, all possible energy would be supplied to help as much as possible within the parameters of self will, so that the control of mass consciousness would ease for as many as possible to make that choice.

It is the right of those who prefer the 3D ego consciousness of greed, self preservation and control to continue in that mode of consciousness. There will be a time when all will make the choice of Unity Consciousness, if not now then later. Why? All is part of Creator Source or Universal Oneness. As we are expanding forth we remain connected to this Oneness through our heart. We simply have to make our choice to remember, desire to reconnect and help is provided.

No one is chosen over another, we make the choice. The chosen are the ones who choose to Ascend. The Ones who desire to remain in ego consciousness now, when they finally make the choice to Ascend will be welcomed home to unity with love as much as the first who returned. There is always joy when we return to unity consciousness.

As a part of the Universal Oneness, that is called Creator Source, we are all inherently good and deserving of joy and abundance. The ‘fall’ was a fall in consciousness from 5D or higher to 3D that occurred when we chose to incarnate on earth, that we must raise back to Unity. It need not be a struggle, the Creator or Universal Oneness Consciousness wants us to be happy and prosperous. Thus, we need only remember and accept that we are part of the all of existence and All Beings. The connection to the Divine Presence Consciousness is within us. You are the teacher, the savior for whom you have been waiting. The answers to all your questions lies within you.

It is not wrong to seek knowledge from others, for we are taught and live our lives on earth in a singular fashion. On Earth we are taught that information comes to us from outside of ourselves. That is why discernment and protection are needed, and a heart centered focus. This is needed for us to be able to understand that each person is either giving us the best that they understand, which may not be the best for us or they might be trying to deceive and control us. We only can distinguish from a heart centered state of being.

Until we reach the point of knowing and Being from a place of Oneness consciousness, the other parts of ourselves who have remembered their Oneness are trying to help us. They come not from a physical connection but an inner connection to remind us who we are. In this too we need to use protection and discernment, for there are energies in the ethers (non physical) realms of earth that try to tap into our telepathic/ inner hearing to control us.

As long as we believe that only one man could ever manifest the perfection of the Divine, we will feel ourselves weak and unable to be the True Essence of the Creator Oneness that we are in Reality. All religions sprang from the sharing of inspired wisdom of ones who tapped into Universal Oneness. They did not teach others while alive to seek them, but whatever form they understood to be Universal Oneness and the Source of Creation. The limits of them as being the only ones able to connect to the Source of Oneness came afterwards, along with rules and rituals in which to do this if we want to be accepted and worthy.

This may have had purpose at one point in time, but it no longer serves to set us free but instead to keep us controlled and separate from the Divine within us. It keeps us looking without for that which exists within us.

So to return to the title of this writing, No One Left Behind, this is the Desire of All Oneness outside of our 3D limits and they seek to help us in our journey. It means that NO ONE who desires to seek Freedom and Ascension of consciousness back to Oneness, that which some term Heaven and Creator, will be left behind as Earth Ascends. Earth is returning to 5D from 3D and all who are able will do so along with her. That is why the abundance of help is being made available to us, so that if we choose, we can do so. However, we need to make the choice and ask for help. Due to free will choice they cannot interfere is we choose to stay in 3D. We will simply move to incarnate in another 3D system when Earth moves to 5D to experience the same as we do now. Is this hell punishment,? Well, it depends on how you look at the state of the humanity at this time.

Do not fear, you will not be left behind if you want to explore the greater existence, you need but ask for help and seek to let go of the limits that you have been taught to believe.


Confused Saviors

Living from the heart versus the ego.

We have had many cults and cult leaders in the last century who gather followers and believers. The followers can become quite fanatical in their beliefs and support of their leader. Some leaders may have started out inspired and spiritually directed. Others began as either grifters or narcissitic sociopaths. Not being in judgment of these people simply stating from a palce of detached observation. A grifter is someone who is charming, charismatic in appearance or speech and uses these to entrap or trick other people out of their money. A narcissitic sociopath is someone who manipulates or harms others for their own personal gain. They live in a deluded reality with a need for power, money and control. They have little or no moral codes and use charisma and humor to charm others. They are impulsive and can be aggressive, disregarding rules, laws and social norms as below them.

How do we fall under their spell? We have been trained since birth to be disempowered and to bow to the rewards and punishment system of society in order to be liked and accepted. Even some of the religious systems speak of a Prophet or Leader who will return to either save us or judge us as unworthy. This connects to our own training to do what we are told is right, in regards to beliefs and actions so that we can be one of the ‘chosen’. This open a place in our lives for someone to step in who speaks with authority, and perhaps even demonstrates traits we believe are part of the package of being saved, to take over our lives and even money. 

At first they are loving and supportive, but as they begin to be worshipped by followers, who follow without question, they have a strong choice to make, to move the followers inward to find their own Divine connection or to increase the personal rewards to ego, and create a stronger bond to themselves. This usually involves some sort of fear factor, that if they leave they will either be ‘damned’ to hell or they will be harmed. The other factor may be playing on their ego, that they have something that ones outside their group do not have, they are chosen. They have the right to judge others, and either obtain more followers through charisma or fear. These ones also are ego lead to power and control.

Many who fall into their spell are sad, depressed, have issues with self love, and self worth. They may be at loose ends having ended a job or relationship, even parting from family. They may have been in a controlling and abusive relationship. These emotions leaving them vulnerable to the promise of something loving and greater than themselves to give them hope. Some have left a mainstream religion, but with the memories of the beliefs and words of their parents and society ringing in their DNA. They are searching for something greater and more inspiring, to be part of something greater than themselves. This new religion or group promises to show them a greater path and they will become stronger and more in control of their lives, and even an inspiration to others. Each of these is an issue with ego not being balanced to the heart, that leaves one vulnerable to a cult leader.

We are used to others making laws and rules that we are supposed to follow in order to be liked, accepted and succeed in society. So following the rules is easy for them. The leader just has to find the right key to trigger ones to follow them. Perhaps they have the ability of verbal persuasion, a type of hypnosis through words. They might know mind control techniques. Some make know some forms of manifestation or magic to appear supernaturally gifted. What ever the means, they are the savior, the chosen one and they will choose those who will be the saved and blessed people. 

They can either create more self doubt, and misguided beliefs in their followers or appeal to their own ego in order to control them. If ones awaken at the time of control to what is happening in their lives, and they loss of power and control, they are often trapped in the web and through force not allowed to leave, through threats of harm to themselves or loved ones. 

We have seen many lead to death of individuals or the entire cult. Once one is connected it is hard to break away. If that is possible, they should seek medical evaluation of their body and counseling fo some knid. Either psychiatric or spiritual. Unfortunately, their are ‘archons’ of many types who have developed and controlled the direction politically, economically and socially for many milleniums on earth. They are quite adept at the mechanisms they use like mind control in many forms used to entrap and enslave the energies of humanity spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. We have been conditioned by the ancestoral training and the systems of the planet to fit into the systems, whether political, familial, societal, country, ethnic, racial or economic. All systems have rewards and punishments involved with conforming to its rules. So it is no surprise we may conform to a cult. 

We seek something more in life, hope for something to escape the chaos around us. It is hard for ones to leave because the feras and doubts which allowed them to become a part are now even more deeply embedded in their minds. If they leave they are in need of healing the inner child the pain and teachings, healing the heart to connect to the Divine within to bring light to the shadow of the mind. 

The work of healing the inner child and embracing the shadows to be whole begins in the heart. We move into the heart, opening it to connect with our Soul so that it might take it’s place as the guide of the mind. This will lead us back to freedom and unity for the authority and control of others upon the Earth. We seek to bring the light into the shadows of our heart and mind, within our very DNA, that comes from this life, past lives on earth, other planets and dimensions, and from our ancestors and their karmic links. We can use the Divine Violet Fire of transmutation to help us to recognize, release and transform these energies, beliefs and blockages to be Free. Then we can bring the Golden Light of the Creator into every cell and subatomic particle of our body and DNA so that we become protected, whole, unifed and a guiding light unto others to be Free.

It takes a village to help each other. We need to seek love within the heart to allow our Soul to help us be Free. Seek not another in the form, for the Creator is within. 

The final thought is those who would entrap others – let go- it is not our part to seek revenge, but to forgive others, for to continue to hold anger ties us to them energetically. When we forgive, release and transform that energy with the violet flame, we are free. Then it is their own part to deal with the karma they have created.

I AM Mareya Shimayh Elohim

I Am a teacher, energy healer, facilitator for Ones on the Ascension path and spiritual counselor. If you have any questions you can contact me at 


Abundance is a state of mind originating in the heart.

A few thoughts of focus on the subject.

There is so much information on the internet about Abundance. Books, webinars, attunements, blockage removal for abundance, the list goes on and on. Abundance is the natural spiritual state for all life. We block it due to fears of lack, which are part of the fight or flight nature of our animal instincts. This comes from the ego/mind which believes itself separate from the Creator due to the veil of amnesia we have until we have stepped onto our Ascension path.

This morning a few thoughts came forth to be shared from Archangel Raphael and Archangel Chamuel. They may seem an unlikely pairing for abundace, the Archangel of healing Raphael and the Archangel of Love/Heart Chamuel but not really. For you see we must heal the heart and all the pain and hurt we have surrounding our heart which has created walls to prevent it from opening. For our heart is where our connection to the Creator resides. When it is open we are moving in alignment with the Infinite and all is possible. When the heart is closed and walled up, we are directed by our ego/mind which says, we must keep ourselves safe from lack and the pain of others.

First I was reminded of the power of prayer. For whenever we have a situation in which we need healing, direction, inspiration or help of any kind, we need to take it within to our Soul, which is the intermediary to the I AM Presence. The I Am Presence being that part of the Creator which is you. As we take our request with humblesness, hope, faith and gratitude to our inner sanctum of the heart, we connect to the guidance of the Creator through our Soul and I AM Presence that are one with the Creator. If you heart is blocked or you have fear, it is important to ask for help to transform or heal, release and transform the energy which is present. You can ask Archangel Raphael to help you to do this.

When asking a specific Archangel or Light Being to help you, you are not praying to them as a replacement of the Creator. I know ones of some religions have a problem with asking non physical beings outside of the Creator for help. In fact there are correct in that we don’t need to look outside of ourselves and our own Oneness with the Creator for help and guidance. However, the Creator created helpers, the Heavenly Hosts to help us. All life is created and at one with the Creator, so there is no separation. However, even more specifically, think of Archangels and Angels as ray of energy. If you are sending love to another, you will expand your energy outward from your heart either in general to the whole planet or to a specific individual or situation. Well, love being the Essence of the Creator , the Creator has many other aspects of itself which exist as specific rays of energy to help Creation. Archangel Raphael is a ray of healing, so you can pray to the Creator for healing or ask Archangel Raphael to heal you. Praying you are acknowledging the Creator as your Source. However, you ask for Archangel Raphael to help you. He cannot interfer in your life situation and choices unless you ask for his help. Just don’t worship other non physical Beings above the Divine Creator. They are your brothers and sisters in the Light and Love of the Creator who were either created to help you like Angels or have evolved consciously back to Oneness and have pledged to help us along our path.

Prayer involves, acknowledging the power and glory of the love of our Creator. Being thankful for the Infinite Love and compassion show to us. Asking for help and thanking the Creator for the guidance and infinite Blessings and then entering listening Grace and waiting upon the direction and our signs to guide you. For our connection tot he Creator within brings us unlimited resources, infinite healing, protection, joy, peace, comfort, love and guidance. Be sure to act upon your guidance. You may not always get the answer for which you were hoping, but when you seek within you will always get the answer you need for yourself and the highest good of all life.

Archangel Raphel reminds us to not think about abundance as something we do not have and we are waiting to receive. For you see our Soul/Spirit only knows the now. So if we are saying we don’t have it and we are waiting for it to come, we are creating a permanent state of waiting. The law of magnetism and attraction means we must have the vision, feelings, and mindset in the now of that which we are seeking to bring it into our life. The stronger your vision and feeling of having it NOW, the easier and quicker it will manifest. However, always ask that this or something better which is for you higher good. See and speak about your life and be thankful for the abundance you possess now. Do you have a home? A Car? Do you have food? Are you living somewhere safe? If you begin with this you will attract more of it into your life.

Archangel Chamuel reminds us of toxic relationships. The toxic relationship could even be your own perception of yourself. Do you love yourself? Do you speak of yourself in a positive manner? Do you see the good things you do and how far you have come in your life? Do you set boundaries or let others walk all over you? Do you care for yourself phyiscally, mentally and spiritually? Do you have caring and loving people around you? Are you kind and compassionate with other? If you have toxic relationships with others and even with yourself you have walls around your heart and you are blocking the love and guidance which attracts abundance, light and love into your life. Choose the relationships in your life wisely. For that benefits you and others. You can help another person who is having a hard time in life without allowing them to take over your time and energy. There are ones who live off the light and energy of others. There are ones who ask for help but don’t want to make any changes in their thoughts and actions to make their own life better, they want to be the pity me victim. You cannot be the victim and and reconnect with your Higher Being, for that is not taking responsbility for you thoughts, words and deeds (self mastery) which is essential for enlightenment, which is essential for connecting to the Divine within and the Infinite Abundance of Creation.

As I was going to write this I was drawn to a saying someone posted on social media:

As a part of the Creator and All Life, Infinite abundance is your birthright and you deserve all the support for which you ask along yoru path of fulfilling your Divine Purpose and Ascension.


Why because you are a part of the Creator experiencing and expanding within Creation.

Archangel Raphael reminds us that money is an exchange of energy for commodities or other energies like wisdom and healing. It is neither good nor bad. Part of the abundance consciousness is the flow of Giving and receiving. If we hoard our money, we are living in a fear of lack consciousness. Do not resent your current circumstances or even the monetary system itself. It will change as we change our consciousness frequency and the frequency of the planet and systems. See money working to create a better life for you and for all others on the planet. See it helping to make the world a better place by exchanging money for that which is needed.

Archangel Chamuel reminds us there is no need to fear a lack or loss of abundance or to try to compete for resources. In actuality there is sufficient for all if we do not hoard and we share. For instance, I and a neighbor lady who lives on social security take care of the feeding of the neighborhood cats. She cannot afford to buy cat food, so I provide it to her. She in return provides me with extra vegetables she receives. It is an even exchange so we give and receive in honor and so to the cats are fed. We need to have a Divine Mindset of Oneness, Love and Compassion for All Life. This connects us to abundance and provides a space of workign together for the greater good which opens all door to Abundance.

Open yourself to positive thoughts, experiences, and opportunities. Transform all fear and doubt with the use of the Violet Flame. There may be set backs or delays along your path but this is only temporary. Do not focus on the set back or delay for they are not of the moment , keep the faith and focus on the blessings you have and more of them.


Seeing from a higher perspective.

In the 1970’s there was a gospel pop song, which became #2 on the billboard charts, it was by Gene MacLellan and called “Put Your Hand in the Hand”. I heard that song this morning in my head and was reminded of a particular line in the song that goes, “Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently”. It reminded me of a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer that goes, ” When you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.” They don’t actually change, it is your perception of them which is changing.

“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.”

— Carl Jung, Aion (1951)

We all have learned thoughts, beliefs, opinions, judgments about how to act and think, which guide our life. Some call it the inner parent and others the shadow self. We all have said or done things, or even had thoughts that we immediately or later say, why did I think, do or say that. It makes us feel guilty. In order to be the good child/person, we believe we are, we put it away in a box, and it becomes as a shadow.

However, occassionally we will see this same action or words manifesting through another and it repels us. We find ourselves, either retaliating, getting angry or avoiding this person because we are judging them and their actions as incorrect behavior. Yet, within us we know we have done the same thing, if we only acknowledge it ,and that is why it bothers us so much. A part of us says, “So that is how others saw me” and we stuff that image even lower into the box of shadows. On the other hand, we can address it, release and transform the energy.

That is the point when you look at youself and you can see others differently. You will have begun the process of seeing your actions and their actions from a higher perspective. Once we are able to transform and release these old patterns of behavior, the way we look at that same action or words coming from another, we will now view with compassion for the pain within them which brought this forth. Once it no longer bothers us, we are free. For when we see another who is angry, judgmental, lashing out at others, physically or verbally, we no longer react from a place of learned behavior, but we can allow them their emotions, while introducing compassionate energy that will dissipate the emotional reactions and actions, for one cannot carry on a disagreement or argument if no one wants to argue.

Yes, I know this doesn’t apply to war or physical violence and abuse actions. For this I will share a writing by Carl Sandburg, in 1936

The little girl saw her first troop parade and asked,
“What are those?”
“What are soldiers?”
“They are for war. They fight and each tries to kill as many of the other side as he can.”
The girl held still and studied.
“Do you know … I know something?”
“Yes, what is it you know?”
“Sometime they’ll give a war and nobody will come.”

This was later changed in the 1960, era of peace and love, to “What if they gave a war and nobody came.”

Physical and emotional violence and abuse come from many differing sources. Mental and physical abuse and imbalances they have or have experienced in their lives, which leave one unable to control their impulses without medication or forced restraint Perhaps, they have suffered the same in their early childhood and it has become a learned behavior which is acceptable to them. I know it is more complicated and many factors come into the problems, but this is an essence.

Abuse, violence and war are a need for control and power for ones who either feel powerless or they believe they are entitled to hold power and control over others due to their learned rules of what is ethical.

We cannot change another person, we can only look at ourselves and our issues and face them, release them and transform them. When we are no longer adding to the extreme energies of pain and control in the world, we can begin to send love and the violet flame to transform the energies around the world in order to provide breathing space for others to look at what they are doing. We can ask that the Hosts and myriads of Light Beings come in and bring transformational energies into the world to help relieve the pain and suffering caused by unbalanced thoughts, emotions and actions if ones choose to accept their help.

Many think of Archangel Michael as a soldier who kills those who don’t do what God says. In actuality, He is the bringer of DIVINE TRUTH. The sword he carries is the sword of TRUTH. When we are surrounded in TRUTH and LOVE, not shall stand before us in order to harm us.

Once I was taken in meditation by Archangel Michael to a planet in another star system of our Universe. Archangel Michael has been with me all my life. As we stood upon the planet he asked me if I remembered being there with him before. I looked around and suddenly I had a memory of walking with him, and we were radiating Love, Light, Compassion and carrying the Swords of Truth. We did not fight a single being, we simply sent forth these divine energies and spoke the Truth to others. Sharing compassion and help as ones were open, we allowed the Violet Fire of transformation to heal the planet and set the people free. Then a point came where they could do this for themselves and they transformed and freed their world.

I seemed to have gotten side tracked a bit, but not in actuality. All that we see in the world which bothers us is because there is something within us to which we need to look, balance and transform. Otherwise , we would see all the world with the eyes of innocent perception, meaning that all we see and experience in this world is a lesson to be learned for ourselves or another. Often we have come to play the protagonist, agreeing to do so, in order that others can be set free from their judgments and imbalances.

All that exists is part of the Creator which is love, some call this essence adamantine particles. What happened with Archangel Michael was not about loving those who we were the protagonists upon that planet, but to be the Essence of Creation, Love and Being One with the Source of Love the Creator. When Jesus told people to Love their enemies he did not mean they should become weak or passive, but to learn to become who we truly are a part of the Creator, who is the Essence of Creation, Love. Love is not about desires and pleasures, it is about the Essence of Creation, becoming one with it and then the energy of Creation is at your command.

You could turn around a storm by Being the Essence of Love, which would bring you into Unity with the Essence of the Storm and then command it. There is a story in one of the Volumes of “The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Fart East”, I believe it is volume 3. The essence of the story is that Jesus was at a monastery in a town studying and teaching, during his missing years. Suddenly the town’s people became upset and were running in fear. When he asked what was wrong he was told that the hordes (mongol forces) were coming to loot and destroy the village. Jesus told the people not to fear and he walked to the edge of the cliff where the horde were coming through a pass to climb to the village. When he saw them he raised his hand and the horses bolted, throwing off the riders who fled in fear. He was radiating the essence of Divine Love, no horrible energy of destruction, but when their duality of anger came upon the essence of love, it was like an inpenatrable wall they could not cross.

This brings me back to the words of the young girl, “Sometime they’ll give a war and no one will come.” I read a remark about this quote where someone said that we had to go to war to prevent it from coming to us. Why. because we live in a world of duality and we believe that without guns and instruments of destruction and warriors to fight we will all be killed, so let us kill them first. The truth is that as long as you believe that, you remain powerless and that is your truth.

The moment you step into love, and unity with the Essence and Creator, you can command the elements for you are one with them. You are protected and you have no need to fear another, for they cannot harm you.

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear istself. ” Franklin D Roosevelt

Fear is learned behavior which keeps us limited by our beliefs. When we “LET GO” and Let the Divine within us manifest, we have nothing to fear. We have no need to get mad, to judge another, to abuse or kill for we understand that if they knew better they would not do that which they are doing.

Thus we first must change our perceptions, release and transform our shadows. We do not need fear to face them for they are a part of you that has tried to keep you safe in a dualistic world as best they could. Know you simply need to love them and help those thoughts and beliefs to let go of a need to fear and control. Then as you perceive these traits in others you will come to understand, ‘There but for the Grace of the Creator was I”. Then be love and thankful for now I AM One with the Essence of all LIfe.

Divine Grace is the divine influence which when we turn within for our guidance and direction instead of without, grace operates to transform us, guide us, sanctify our impulses to be more loving and gives us strength to face all challenges with Loving understanding from a higher perspective.

The other part of ourselves that created the shadow is the inner parent or authority figure. All that we believe, our fears and judgments are learned and instilled within us by our parents and authority figures to whom we gave that right to tell us how to think, act and believe. We need to look at those aspects and to take back authority for ourselves and our intent and initative of actions. This restores this authority and initiative to the I AM essence of the Creator who is within us and whom we truly are not the physical body and rational mind. They are merely the tools through which we entered to operate in this world, and are meant to serve the direction and authority of our soul, our I AM Presence, that which is the Essence of Love and Unity with all Life.

So all that we experience is a reflection on the outer of that which exists within us. When we no longer wish to experience the same old thing it is time to look within at ourselves, and begin the process of releasing the past and loving the Essence of who we truly are.

“As a person loves, so they are. As a person believes so they become.”

I Am Moriah Elohim

Twin Flames

Why do you seek them?

I am not sure of all the reasons that ones spend time seeking their twin flames.

Do they feel alone? Do they feel incomplete? Do they have miserable relationships and seek what they hear might be the ultimate love? Or are there other reasons.

We have heard of soul mates. Soul mates are souls who come from the same monadic soul family as ourselves. We go out and often together with one another into various lifetimes and experiences to learn and grow, they could be lover, friends, parent and child, or nemesis. They are not what ones term twin flames. Others say a soul mate is a romatic partner that fulfills you, while others say that is your twin flame.

Twin flames are said to be the other half of us. It is said that at some point our soul split into two parts for whatever reason. It is said that you can only reunite without possibility of karmic consequences when you have both Ascended. It is often said that while one is embodied their twin flame stays in spirit to help guide them, only embodying at the same time in rare circumstances of great need on the planet.

No matter the term or concept of twin flame, or soul mate. People are focusing upon the wrong aspect of spirituality if they spend their time seeking a twin flame.

The first Union to seek is your Union with the Creator. When that is fulfilled, embraced and embodied there is nothing missing in your life, for all is part of the Creator and thus you are now able to merge with your twin flame, soul mate and all life. You are whole.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God/Creator, and all will be added unto you.”

To seek first a union with a soul mate or twin flame over union with the Creator is a GREAT DISTRACTION, which prevents you from fully becoming all that you can be and came into life to be.

Buddha taught us how to prepare the body, mind and soul to work in unity to experience the wisdom of the Universe as peace and unity upon the earth. Jesus took the concept to the next level and taught us how when we have accomplished this in our lives, those born of flesh can walk this path and embody the I AM Presence of God.

What does this have to do with twin flames. They did not spend their time on earth searching for their soul mate or twin flame. They sought first the Divine within them.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a buddhist teacher said, “True love is generated from within.” No one knows where the idea of the split began, somewhere in the past of duality. The buddhist speak of the souls as sparks of the flame of Oneness that separate and then return to the whole. Perhaps in seeing man and women people took this concept further. Duality is part of light and dark, masculine and feminine, good and evil.

Ones hear in new age circles of Ascended Beings and their twin flames or the Masculine and Feminine aspects of Archangels. Although once we have returned to the sea of the Oneness with all Creation and the Creator, we can manifest as either masculine or feminine or dog or cat or whatever we wish.

We realize that these are just concepts. There was once a program called “Deep Space Nine” in which one character was Odo was a changling. The changling people were in their essence a sea of golden color liquid. They could at any time manifest as anything they wanted or could visualize. Two of them could merge together to share wisdom and understanding or they could merge back into the wholeness of all of them.

This is what we are in the Essence of the Void of Creation or Unmanifest potential. We are love and one with all others who are and are not currently in form. We can manifest at will but our will is at one with the Creators will. The Creator has a vision of the expansion of creation into experimental realms of existence.

To explain that lets say the Creator wants to manifest a Sacred Center of Light for humanity. The Creator sends for the thought and ones pick up on it and they understand if they have a part and what that part might be in the manifestation. Now they are not without free will as they move in unity with the will of the creator. If there is a path to manifesting this, you could walk down the center of the path, to the left or the right along your journey. If you start to fall off the path, ones (like angels or your soul) will nudge you to get back on the path. If you have come to Unity Consciousness you will of course understand your part from a higher perspective and will walk the center of the path to manifestation for the betterment of all life, and do it easily, abundantly and with joy.

Again, you may ask what does this have to do with twin flames and soul mates?

Everyone is actually our soul mate, and the Creator is our Twin Flame at the essence of our Being. When we remember this, there is no longing for another to fulfill us, for we are fulfilled when we unite with the Creator, our I Am Presence. We are never alone or lonely. We never lack for all possibilities and abundance are ours, and we understand the higher perspective of life. We are FREE and UNLIMITED.

All of my life I have asked that the Creators will be done in me, through me, by me and for me. I have not always lived that desire, but it was the calling in my soul back to unity with the other part of me of which I have always been a part, but had forgotten and then felt unworthy of their love and oneness. The process has been healing myself to find the love within which is the Creator and has always been awaiting my return.

The kingdom is within us and as we reconnect it can expand outward into the world. A far greater experience of love, then a life long search for a soul mate or twin flame. They with whom we are meant to connect will come at the right time when we are ready. The healing begins within to find the highest love and connection.


I AM Moriah Elohim

Earth – Lady Gaia

Earth is truly a jewel of creation.

Unknown source of image.

There are many people who because of their life situations have little time or impetus to appreciate the beauty of Earth and to be thankful for the life giving sustenance which she provides. Lady Gaia is the Being who ensouls the planet Earth. She is light, love and nurtures and provides for all that exist upon, within and around the planet. She has cared for us despite any abuse which is thrust upon her.

Like ourselves Lady Gaia has been evolving into the next level or her existence. She is in the process of an Ascension to a new level of existence and service. This means there will be changes occuring with Earth. What does this mean for us?

For some as they read this it will bring up fear of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other such disasters. If you look around you those events are and have been occurring for a very long time. Many of these events bring forth a new perspective for the ones involved even if just for a short period of time. Ones realize the impermanence of man made objects in the face of events of nature beyond which seem beyond their control. People show the best of themselves in doing what they can to help others.

I say seem, because although we might not be able to prevent a volcanic eruption or an earthquake but we can help lessen the effects. If enough people in an area become aware of their connection to each other, the Creator , Earth and all life on Earth and choose to make choices from a higher perspective this can ease any natural events which might occur and even prevent some.

Many have predicted the big quake in California, yet it has not happened. I believe that this is due to the focus of ones living in harmony with Nature that is prevalent in California. Does this mean it will never happen? This I cannot predict, for that is always up to Lady Gaia and the consciousness of humanity.

I have known most of my life how the emotions, thoughts and actions of humanity affect the weather. My grandmother told me long ago to watch events and the weather for they are triggered by the thoughts, actions and emotions of humanity. She said when people are angry, violent and war is prevalent, the weather becomes harsh and extreme. We see this more and more these days.

This is because of the creational matrix of earth of which mass consciousness is a part. Our thougths, emotions and actions create within the matrix. As such, since we are connected to the creational matrix of earth when born, these energies we project tend to gather and increase in intensity. As the energies build they affect other parts of the creational matrix, such as weather, the crystals and fluids within the earth, the air we breath and the water we drink. If we are turbulent so is nature. Nature includes the nature spirits who care for the elements, plants and minerals. If we are calm, this helps to calm the flow of nature.

Animals are instinctively born of love. Like babies they come in innocent. They learn the fear and destructive nature from their interactions with humans. We were to be guardians of our planet. However, we chose to live at all costs to keep ourselves safe and prosperous, without care about other humans, animals, plants and the land itself.

We can change this but it is our choice. We must choose to once again be a conscious being who cares about the balance and abundance between and for all life. Conscious living instead of fearful existence. What we choose determines the future of ourselves and life on earth. The day is coming when Lady Gaia will no longer suffer from our abuse. She will expand to a new level of existence and those who are ready can expand with her.

This is not the end of those who do not choose this expansion, for they can continue as they have for milleniums until they are ready to expand into the Unity of Consciousness that is our Creator with which we are One.

Honor the Earth, be thankful for all she gives us. That is a start.

I Am Moriah Elohim


As I begin each day I ask for a thought or word upon which to focus for the day and Transformation was the focus of this day.

As I sit quietly before starting my daily tasks and routine, I ask to be show what is important for me to know and understand. Transformation is a state of Being beyond a process. For a process involves steps and actions, and although there are actions involved these are on an energy level. The two main actions of transformation are ‘Letting go’ and ‘Alignment’.

Transformation is moving from one State of Being unto another State of Being. A state of Being unlike a state of mind is made up of qualities of existence and not goals or feeling regarding your circumstances or goals. To change your state of mind you must evaluate your situation and decide on new actions which bring emotional and physical satisfaction. This involves the ego guarding against hurt and pain, fight or flight if things get too scary. Meanwhile the brain is analyzing the situations, your options, it is taking authority and initiating your actions based on physical, mental and emotional factors as well as known belief systems, rules and regulations.

In order to change your State of Being, you function from the heart, where the soul guides you. The soul is always aligned to the higher perspective and universal intelligence of the Creator Source through the I Am Presence. When we move into the heart, we can receive transcendent light which transforms the lower blockages and allows the grace, wisdom and truth of Divine Love to guide us. This is a state of Being in Grace, to wait upon the Divine timing with patience and see the higher perspective which Blesses All. This state of Being is joy, peace and the energy of manifestation.

Thus the process of transforming from one state of Being to the State of Being in Grace, Enlightenment and Divine Love involves two steps. Letting go of the old outdated beliefs and perceptions, which involves choosing to do so. The second step is alignment to the Divine Light and Love within our hearts which connects us to our Soul, our I Am Presence and Source.

In Letting go you need to breath, stand still, accept that you deserve all that you desire and the Creator wants you to have it. Think of that which brings you joy and peace, the feeling of love and security. Move into the feeling, and breath it into you as you move into the center of your Heart. Ask that the transcendent Light of the Creator release and transform any blockages.

Then within the heart, open, drop your defenses and feelings of guilt and lack of self worth so that the Light can fill you. See that you are connected to your Soul and the Universe, and align yourself to receive the Divine Love of the Creator through you I Am Presence and your Soul. Your I Am Presence is that which you are as a part of the Creator, and you Soul is the intermediary between you/ego identity and your I Am Presence. This happened due to the low vibration of the Earth and the choices to live from Ego, which cut us off from our I Am Presence. It cannot exist within the form in the 3D energies, we need to move into 5D.

The other aspect being that we have at some point taken away the authority of our soul and I Am Presence to guide us in our earthly journey and now we need to take it back from the energy which controls us as part of mass consciousness and return it to the Creator. This must be a conscious choice. This allows us to walk in Unity with the Creator and All life in Oneness and receive of the Divine Love, Grace, Abundace and Peace that is our birthright as Beings of Light.

We are Souls having a human experience. We have forgotten and so we think we are this form and it is more important than the Divine iniative of Being.

A wise one once told me,” Ascension and transformation is as easy as walking through a door from one room to another. We choose to make it difficult.”

So today the subject of contemplation and meditation is TRANSFORMATION.

Let go and Align to transform.


Morian Elohim


Awaken my children to My Presence within you.

Awaken to know the peace that our Oneness brings into your life.

Awaken to the wisdom of the Universe available to you as we work in unison to help the world to awaken to the Truth of Creation and Expansion.

Awaken to Love, Peace, Security and Abundance.

Awaken to remember that in Unity all your needs are met, and Peace prevails.

Awaken to know in my Love you are safe.

Awaken to remember that I AM the Source of All and that you need not fear lack in our Oneness.

Awaken to see there is sufficient for ALL.

Awaken to cherish and love each other, for you are part of me, and part of each other.

AWAKEN my children.



Transformation and Manifestation

My message from Spirit yesterday was one word TRANSFORMATION and it came forth in conjunction with the concept of MANIFESTATION.

I knew I had to write about this, but had not yet done so, when I was reminded this morning by a post of facebook that spoke of us being energy and Transforming. I love the synchronicities of Spirit, we simply need to be aware to see them in our lives.

We are spirit manifesting in form. We are energy that is infinite, that changes and manifests and transforms as part of the creational process of experiential expansion and contraction. Thus we are without beginning and end for we are part of the Creator who is without beginning or end. Even before the Creator thought to Create, the Creator existed as the energy of infinite potential. When we have completed our journey we return back to the Creator and Oneness. Even those who ones might consider evil will be redeemed or transformed back to Oneness eventually.

Recently for myself and I am sure many others, manifestation has been a topic of interest. Like most, I began with trying to understand the art of manifestation upon the physical plane. Most people can use extra money or even enought to pay their bills and live. Most classes that teach manifestation, teach one how to hold the intent and focus upon manifesting, money, winning lotteries, getting the job you want, the main focus being upon our physical needs.

What I was consistently reminded about from spirit was, this quote from the Christian Bible Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” This reminded me that the we are part of the Creator and as part of the Creator, when we live in Oneness we can manifest all that we need and desire and the abundance that comes to us enables us to help others to meet their needs and to turn their attention to the Creator within so that they too many know the prosperity and abundance which is their Blessing when they live in Oneness.

Can you manifest without seeking the Creator first in your life? Yes, we see ones who have wealth and power on the earthly level, but who are not kind, compassionate, giving, and loving. This is part of the chaos we see and experience upon the Earth. This is because prosperity is sought for self and not for the betterment of all life.

I am not saying that my path is the path for all, but from an early age my greatest desire was ” Not my will but thine ” as I sought unity and oneness with the Creator and All Life. I have a vision given to me by the Creator, as we all do although it may not be conscious within us. I had held the vision and spent time refining the details, while working to manifest the funding. I had always known the source of my prosperity in life is not my job but the Creator. So I was reminded by these quotes to put my spiritual connection as my focus, and giving my dream back to the Creator to manifest in the correct time and in the correct way.

I remembered to wait upon the Creator and my inner guidance as to when to act and how instead of attempting to make it happen. To have joy and faith in the dream, while seeking to do the best I can each day of my life to help others and to be aligned to the will of the Creator. Getting my will and control out of the way allows for infinite possibilities. Aligning first unto the Creator, allows for all abundance and prosperity to come to me, through me and into the world to benefit all.

As I was doing a meditation yesterday, I asked my guides for a word upon which they would like me to focus. The word was TRANSFORMATION. For as I transform the darkness, fear and doubt within me, and bring in the Unconditional Love and Transcendent Light of the Creator, I will be Transformed and then the gift of Abundance and Manifestation are a part of me as I am a part of the Creational process for the benefit to all.

This is the message given of TRANSFORMATION and MANIFESTATION.

If they eye be singular, they body shall be filled with Light. (Transformation)

Having sought the kingdom first and being transformed by the Light – all things shall be added unto me. (manifestation)

So, for me the manifesation process was to let go of need, wants and desires of the earthly plane as far as seeking them as a priority. I ask and I align with the Creator’s will with faith that all shall come in the right time and manner for the greater good and Blessing.

I hope this helped someone.

I Am Moriah Elohim

I wanted to add a couple of recommendations.

When you have doubts about your vision or mission and where you are in that process a wonderful book of wisdom is “The Dream Giver” by Bruce Wilkinson. It helps to point out the belief systems and fears of ourself and those around us which prevent us from connecting to the Greater Part for us.

The next recommendation is to any of the classes, teachings, anointments or installations by Nickolaos mParalos. His work is of the the highest energy and intent. In connection to this I specifically recommend his offering called ” Divine Installations of Abundance, Expansion and Prosperity”. This helps us to come into our connection to the Creator as the Source of our Abundance, Prosperity and Creative Expansion for the greatest good of All.

This can be found at both his website:

or his udemy site: