America 2024

Choosing our Future

I am writing this from a spiritual perspective for that is the focus we need to have as we enter this period of political choice in America and changes to the Highest Possible Future of Earth.

In the next 9 years we are entering the greatest period of changes we have experienced in millenium. There is as much help being sent to us and being offered, if we but ask, to help us navigate this with as much ease as possible. That being said, we are the creators of our future through our choices.

As humanity moved from the Middle Ages and Dark Ages into the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, America was a cradle being nurtured for its future purpose, a great experiment, that had not happened since the last Golden Age on Earth, Democracy. The Ones who serve the Creator and have been working diligently behind the scenes to guide and inspire us, guided humanity out of the dark ages, when a few rulers/dictators and religious institutions controlled the knowledge of the world and determined the future of all humanity through fear and control. People were pawns for them to play their games. 

I have written before about a quote from the television show “The Closer”

 I remember once hearing a speech about what it meant to be on officer of the CIA, and the man who gave this speech talked about the struggle to control civilization and how we’re always fighting the same fight and he used the Dark Ages as an example. And he talked about how on one side you had the pragmatic king who was greedy and power hungry and basically took advantage of people whenever he could. And on the other side you had the idealistic church, forcing everyone to follow the same rules, have the same beliefs and all that. Neither the king or the church was ever completely right or wrong, both sides ended up doing terrible things to get what they wanted. Really terrible things. But the point of the story was this: that this struggle from the Dark Ages had been going on forever, and the church and the king might take on different forms and philosophies, but they would always fight each other, pragmatist and idealist, and that most times you’re better off standing on the sidelines and letting them duke it out. But every once in a while one side or the other decides it might be better to just blow up the whole world just to get its own way, and when that happens you can’t stand on the sidelines anymore. You have to pick a team.

Unfortunately that is what we have been doing since time began. Idealist have strong beliefs. They are unwilling to compromise and must protect and defend their beliefs, even to the point of fanticism . Pragmatist believe only in what they can see and touch and thus they need to protect and control it. Those who live with the understanding that everyone has the right to choose, have stood back and allowed the darkness of fear to control the world. Instead of manifesting their light and bringing more into the Earth. 

Most of us have tried throughout the ages as we formed our focus of incarnations for we knew the possibilities ahead. However, the heaviness of the energies and the veils of amnesia and illusion have trapped most of us and we have not been able to rise above it. Now in this time of Earth Ascension, the energies are strongest and the help abundant for us to make the changes for ourselves, humanity and all life. 

In the Dark Ages the ones able to activate their heart mind connection and live Divinely guided, were able to start the age of Enlightenment. They brought books to the availablity of humanity, to bring teachings that started humanity to look beyond the pragmatism of daily life, and the control of the idealistic churches of the time. When this came forth it inspired ones to knew ideas, technologies, medical breakthroughs, and travel to new places. The new land being prepared for a new experience. 

Ones were tired of the state and church telling them what to do and believe. They goverment taking all their money, owning the land and their lives. They were tired of the churches persecuting anyone who didn’t believe as they dictated. They were inspired to seek a new home, later to be called America.

Two Beings guiding this program in preparation for a new generation of beings were El Morya and St Germain. They brought the flames of Divine Will and Freedom. St Germain was present and inspired the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. A governement of the people, by the people and for the people. They separated church and state for a purpose. We have forgotten the misery of the control of both church and state on the lives of many that lead to the dark ages. We have forgotten, the control of rulers and dictators who controlled the lives of the people, and killed or imprisoned people at their will. We have forgotten the persecution, torture and burning at the stake of people just because they believed differently. 

Thus it rises again in America. A land where for the first time since the last Golden Age, humanity had a choice in how they lived, by voting. It seems to me that the problem was that with the Age of Enlightenment, and the help of so many Angels and Beings of Light in the establishment of America, they thought that people would continue their spiritual growth of the heart enlightenment and unity with the Creator and each other. They believed that we would elect people of strong moral fiber that did what was best for the people, or we would not elect them again. They believed we would not be apathetic, and allow ones to make our political system a paid career in which they would decide the future of humanity, who didn’t care enough to vote. They believed that our leaders would work together or we would not elect them again. It appears their hopes and beliefs were misplaced. That money, greed and power have corrupted our system so that ego over rules compassion and service. That duality is stronger than unity and we have again allowed the lines between church and state to blur.

I said I write this from a spiritual perspective.  It is not that I am saying we should not have spiritual leaders, it was believed that we would elect and be guided in our system by ones who felt were of the highest spiritual morals and would serve ALL THE PEOPLE. No one church or relgious belief system would influence the system, for that goes back to the idealist who can’t see beyond their perspective to the higher perspective. This leads to persecution of ones of other beliefs being sanctioned by the government and dictatorship. 

What is needed is for us to live from the heart. We need to step up and hold the highest possible future as our vision, of a government guided by the Divine within the heart. To see a place of equality and abundance for ALL PEOPLE. We need to ask that the leaders who would not serve the highest good of All step aside and vote for those who come from a heart centered perspective. We need to be living examples of the heart and mind unity with the I AM Presence within to inspire others to reach higher. 

The changes are coming for Earth is Ascending. We can have dramatic, changes that cause fear and violence to erupt even more or move in a more balanced perspective. We need to be the calm in the eye of the storm. Know that something greater is coming. Don’t allow the fear around you to take you from your center. Hold your balance of a heart centered compassion. Do what you can to help others and bring more unity into the world. 

We are being asked to walk the middle path. The middle path is between the extremes of duality, to find the place of balance from living with heart centered guidance. This means living a life of ethical conduct, mindfulness of thought, word and deed and allowing the heart to connect us to the higher wisdom and perspective. It is a place of non attachment and to commit to truthfulness in all aspects of our life. 

In summation for America 2024. Please vote as guided by your heart or not if that is how you feel guided. However, if we don’t participate in our government we have not the right to complain, and it will never change. 

Perhaps we will not have the greatest of players from which to choose. You may feel guided to write in a name if your state allows this. Perhaps you even want to run. Please note this is done on a state and not federal level. You need to go to the election website of your state and type in write in candidates. To see what the rules are, some states they must be on a list to be a write in candidate.

Let us come together, united in our hearts to create the democracy which was envisioned and inspired for America. If we hold something in our hearts filled with love, the stronger we feel in seeing it complete the easier it is for it to manifest. State: I intend that the Creator send all the help possible to clear with the violet flame the obstructive energies to democracy, and to help to free people to see from a higher perspective. I intend for a country of ethical and inspired leadership of unity and cooperation to manifest. Surround your vision with golden light of the Creator and send it forth into the Univers, asking the Universe to help in manifesting this vision.

In intend America return to the Divine Vision it was intended. I intend we all live in Unity, compassion and love.

I Am Mareya Shimayah Elohim together with St Germain and El Morya