Seeking Truth

Truth exists in the Soul.

I hope that the writing about a few of the synchronicities in my life, has spurred memories within you of the ones you have experienced. That was the purpose to awaken within you the realization that even if you weren’t aware throughout your life, someone or something, some connective force has been trying to guide you to find Truth and the higher path in your life. Sometimes, you listened and sometime you didn’t. Neither is wrong or right or makes you good or bad, they just are a part of our learning process and experience of growth and expansion to Ascend upon the Earth.

We have a plan when we come into life of what we want to learn and karmic patterns we wish to clear. We also have a plan about how we want to be of service, for believe it or not, one of the most important criteria, especially for starseeds is to be of service. It may surprise you to know that we carefully plan our life before we incarnate, we choose where we will live, our parents, what karmic patterns to try to clear, what we would like to learn and as I said how we can serve. We make plans and contracts within our star family to help each other and incarnate together. Our Soul and guardian Angel know our plan and together with our guides and teachers they work behind the scenes to create synchronicities, meetings and events to help us to fulfill our plan. They cannot interfere with our free will choice, they can only nudge us with these meetings, synchronicities, a song on the radio at the right time, a book falling on your head,etc.

All of this is designed to bring us to the higher wisdom and truth in life to help us to grow. The inspiration for this writing came today as I was awakened early and told to think about how people caught in the conspiracy theory conundrum are seeking truth, but get blocked or locked in the lower rational mind, instead of seeking the higher wisdom and truth within. For instance, in the 1990’s there was much talk about cloning, and then it was banned on humans and believed that the idea at least in the USA disappeared. The UFO conspiracy that was about crazy people until the last few years when the government finally admitted that there was something they couldn’t explain. Mind control experiments that supposedly ended but didn’t. Yes, all of these things simply go underground and continue on, into hidden projects.

There is not doubt that there are many things governments, and organizations have been doing behind the scenes for thousands of years. As I have said before, when we begin to awaken from the mass consciousness, we begin to see these hidden secrets that we simply ignored before or believed the official line of explanation, more than willing to go on with our lives unaffected. The problem that arises isn’t in now recognizing them, but getting caught up in another distraction where conspiracy theory becomes an obsession to which it occupies our mind and distracts us from seeking the higher truth and wisdom. We can get so caught up that it consumes us and becomes a focus of our fear, frustration and anger at all that we believe unjust in our lives.

We then become a part of the problem we are trying to expose instead of a part of the solution. It is in seeking the higher wisdom and truth which allows us to bring positive solutions guided by Universal Oneness that benefits humanity, earth and all life. We don’t have to seek explanations and justice at the 3D rational mind level, but we bring the higher solution of the Divine.

In the Christian Bible it says, Romans 3:19 says, Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

What does that mean? It means that if we try to make right an unjust situation from our rational mind of fear and ego, then most likely we will create karma for ourselves. For there are Universal laws, and one is the law of Cause and Effect that is commonly called Karma. This says that all energy must be balanced at some point in time. If we do something to create an unbalanced situation or someone does something to us, we don’t need to do something back to them, for the Law of Creation will take care of it. If not in this lifetime, then the next. Nothing goes unbalanced. This is the Lord taking care of things by the Universal Law of Creation. This is truth.

Instead of getting caught up in a conspiracy idea that could or could not be true and perhaps ending up committing an act of violence and harming another in our pursuit of what we believe is justice, all we do is create a karmic situation for ourselves instead of solving the problem. VIOLENCE is never the solution. The sword is not mightier than the word of Truth. Divine Truth always prevails for it is the Law of Creation, the essence of which is Unconditional Love.

Thus the theme of this sharing is that we designed our life before we incarnated. We asked for help and there are ones in Spirit who have been trying to help us to see and seek the higher truth and understanding all our lives by creating synchronicities to help us to awaken to the higher path. Look back upon your life and you will see the threads that have been woven throughout to bring you to a greater understanding and Truth of who you are, why you are here and where you are going.

May you seek the higher truth and wisdom and be aware of the synchronicities of your life. They are trying to guide you.
