Animals and Other Non Human Life

Please there is no judgment of anyone in this writing and hopefully you will not allow judgment of others into your reading.

Part of our process of removing the veils of illusion is to come into the remembrance of the oneness of all life which includes the animal and non human life forms. It is interesting that a paper published in the Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology written by a team lead by Australian Immunologist, Edward J Steele, said that octupus and squid may have fallen from the sky and not be from earth. The octupus are able to shift both shape and color.

According to information received by Diana Cooper of the United Kingdom, many or perhaps most animal species have non terrestrial origins. Like us they have come to earth to learn and experience. They have open hearts, until they are taught by human encounters to have fear and agressive behaviors. Many have also come to serve with us for the betterment of the planet, but since humans lost their soul connection and work from chaotic individual ego choices, the continutiy of unity to create was lost. Animals like elemental beings became confused and began to learn from the agressive and abusive behavior of humans to fear, the fight and flight instinct.

Like nature, without the interference of humans, animals would thrive and be in balance. We would not have species going extinct unless it was their time to ascend to a higher level of existence, instead of being killed off, or their environment destroyed causing extinction.

They have much wisdom as individual species to teach us. This is what the indigenous people of the planet understood and it is why they observed, did vision quests and had spirit animal guides, to learn from them and work with them. As we grow spiritually and remove our limited beliefs, we learn tep by step to let go of our belief that animals are our possessions or a lower life form that we can use, abuse, kill or discard at our pleasure and desire. Many more people are not coming to understand animals have a soul. For some species it is a group soul, and for others they have become more individualized like ourselves. They are not co-creator beings, but they do have a spiriutal essence or soul.

Many souls, especially the younger generation, are coming into a vegan lifestyle. This is not about whether a person is right or wrong in their choice to be or not be vegan. That choice is up to you. The Creator gives us the right to make our choices, and loves us unconditionally. All choices are experiences from which we learn what we want to do or not do. The choice to being vegan often involves, no longer wanting to harm another living species.

In the Jewish tradition, it is written that when slaughtered they should not cause pain to the animal. I will not go into detail in the way animals are raised, transported, treated and slaughtered in the United States but most are not humane. There are more organic husbandry coming into being at this time, but the way in which most animals are treated and killed creates great fear and pain, which imbues into the meat and then into our bodies. This creates more fear within us.

We as spiritually mature people, understand that each has the right of their choice, and should not be judged because their path is different than yours. You do not have the right to shame them for their choice. Better to work with the violet flame to clear the energies of the planet, transforming the energies of the mass consciousness to more loving and light, to allow for ones to connect with a higher perspective of understanding and freedom. When each is ready for a change they will make it, we cannot force or shame another to do anything. As we wish to be respected for our choice, we need to respect their choice. To believe we are higher or more spiritual than another due to their choice being different is from the ego. If someone is making a choice that has negative effects upon another , the law of balance will automatically be activated, we need do nothing.

Many are also coming to understand that animals can have unique personalities, emotions, love, compassion, depression, saddness and family connections. They have innate intelligence that grows as they are nurtured.

There are many roadside shows, zoos and circus that do not treat animals with love, caring and respect. For me I do not go to those places as my personal choice. However, in recent years, I have come to watch the zoo shows on television and have learned to appreciate the many zoos which have large facilities without bars and whose focus is conservation of endangered species. The caretakers are loving, compassionate and work diligently to provide enrichment to the species. Are species better off in the wild? Of course in a perfect world that would be the choice. Unfortunately, many are becoming extinct in the wild due to pollution, killing, loss of habitat and many other human causes. That ones of compassion are helping to propagate new generations of these endangered species is a good cause. The other purpose of these shows like the zoo in person is to help ones to see in the human and animal interactions or even with reptiles, insects and aquatic species that they all have indiviudal personalities, actions, wants, desires and respond to love and caring. As I said the best would be for all to be in the wild and safe but that is not in the consciousness of humans at this time of ego. Hopefully if will happen sooner than later.

For now these zoos are trying to provide a safe place for humans to learn about these species in order to care for them and love them. I have come to appreciate so many species that I used to avoid. I may not be ready to be a snake handler or spider keeper, but I appreciate their uniqueness and purpose, and learn more about how to co exist.

As we came to lift this veil of illusion to love an appreciate the animal and no human life forms, we become free to interact and grow.


I Am Moriah