Self Love and Acceptance are the Keys

Sometimes we don’t fully realize what it is in our life which is holding us back from fully experiencing life, joy, and Being at one with our I Am Presence and our dreams. We don’t understand how we are trained to look for what is wrong with us, instead of what is right. This happens in order to change, or hide the ‘wrong’ parts to be loved, accepted and rewarded by our parents, family, friends and society. 

Yet, WHO originally decided what is acceptable and unacceptable. These rules of training and controlling us to conform in order to be loved and accepted. These rules are passed down from generation to generation, through rewards and punishment training. If we want to be loved, accepted and succeed in life we must conform to the determined proper behavior patterns. 

This is not an advocation for doing anything that harms another, through verbal or physical abuse or violence in any form. These actions are covered under universal laws of cause and effect, karma. It means we need to look inside and connect with our soul to see what is right for us.  Look inside of our hearts to ask for guidance in how to live, experience and expand our creative process in the world. It means seeking a new way of teaching our children how to live and experience the world. 

If you watch any of the zoo programs that are available on television you would notice that often they have to train an animal to go into a travel box in order to have medical procedures or to travel to another location. When they train an animal they do not do so with punishment but with rewards only. If an animal chooses not to participate they don’t try to force it, but allow it to leave and attempt the process another day, when it is the choice of the animal to participate. 

In the animal world if they are wounded they will naturally go to a safe place to try to heal. If approached by a person or another animal, they will either withdraw more or lash out in fear in order to protect themselves from futher harm. We do that also, if our feelings, thoughts or emotions are hurt or threatened we either withdraw or lash out. Depending on how we were trained or our experiences in life. Either way we build our protection around our hearts, minds and emotions in order to protect them from further hurt and pain. We create a wounded child within us or a shadow part, that we keep locked up in the dark. If we don’t look at it we don’t have to deal with it, yet it affects us and our choices. We build walls around our hearts to protect us from hurt and pain.

Children instead of rewards or punishment need to be taught to be safe and their personal interests and abilities encouraged to develop. We need to teach them they are loved unconditionally and help them to develop their personal relationship within to the Creator Source. This will help them to know they are always loved, guided and protected. They will not need to hide who they are from others for they will know ‘ THEY ARE ENOUGH’.

For me personally I had to work with this energy to realize that ‘I AM ENOUGH’. I have felt for a few years that I was hitting a brick wall in my moving forward with the spiritual work I had contracted to do in this life. I had broken through, or so I thought, the block that was holding up my spiritual development but not the moving out into the world that was needed. 

I was given the message recently that ’I AM ENOUGH’ and to search within for the ‘heart wound’ that had built up walls in my heart, and blockages to my gifts. This was preventing me from connecting fully with my I AM Presence. This was causing me to shut off certain experience out of fear or hurt or believing I was not enough to do what was needed. There was a belief that there was something lacking within me. 

I had created a wounded child within, a shadow self, that I didn’t want to look at because it would hurt, and so I thought I was protecting it by locking it in a dark room within myself. However, no child likes the dark and cries with pain to be heard and to see the light, not understanding what it did wrong. Yet, how could I help when I didn’t understand myself. Much like our parents believe they are doing the right thing for their children because that was how they were raised. 

Then last night came the breakthrough. I had asked my guides to help me to release the fears, pain and shadows to heal the wounded parts of myself so we could come together in unity. In my last dream before awaking, I was shown what I needed to see and understand. 

First, I was with a spiritual teacher I had many years ago, who had taught me to accept and expand my spiritual gifts. For the first time in my life, I had felt that the Creator had forgiven me for whatever had caused me to be abandoned here on earth. I was doing spiritual work on the grids and learning so much. I felt good about myself and being of service, that there was much more to come and then it ended. The teacher was gone and again I felt abandoned by the Creator. I didn’t trust my gifts for they had led me to this situation. I retreated and put the spiritual gifts into the closet with the abandoned child in the dark. There was something wrong with me and I retreated.

Then,it was what appeared to be New Years Eve, ‘New Year – New Me’ and I was in a town by the ocean. I was walking along the pier and I saw adults standing in line waiting to partake of a feast and celebrate but none of them had their children. I was inspired to create a party in the back yard of the home in which I was living, with lights and a feast for the children to celebrate and watch the fireworks over the ocean. They played and laughed in the lights and celebration and I awoke with the words, “I AM ENOUGH” filling my head and heart. 

I had released the child within me to celebrate the New Year and to become one with me – the New Me. No more standing in line and doing the expected in life. I am free to celebrate and experiences all the parts of me, as I feel directed.

As I sat quietly upon awaking, I realized how I had looked for validation for myself spiritually outside instead of within, and it was part of my growth to learn that this is ego based to look outside for validation. I needed to remember what I had learned, that in coming to earth I knew that I would have amnesia in regards to my connection to the Creator. I was never abandoned, I had simply forgotten that I was part of the Creator and never alone. Once I reconnected to my soul and allow my soul to guide me, I am never alone or unsafe. 

I was reminded there are signs all around me everyday from the Universe trying to get my attention and send me messages and answers to my questions. Love brings light to remove the darkness and shadows. It heals the heart and wounds of the child within to know I am not alone, I am not abandoned, I am enough and loved unconditionally. I don’t need walls anymore to keep me safe from hurt. I can drop my defenses and know that all I need is within my heart. 

Our soul is always conencted to Source, even when we face difficult people, situations and choices. To remember not to allow others to determine who you are of what you should do, for they see life from their training, experience, beliefs and perspective. Neither try to change them, but allow them their beliefs and know the Divine is within them, knocking on the doors of their hearts and sending them signs from the Universe and when they are ready they will open their hearts and minds. 

The options we have are experinces , we need but unlock the self imposed cages to answer the heart call. No one needs to be wrong for us to be right. Those who trained us in our youth did the best they knew, but that doesn’t mean we need to continue the pattern. When we realize that it no longer serves us the door closes, and a new one opens that leads to freedom, inspiration, exploration, expansion and creativity. Release the Judgment of self and others and trust the heart. It is time to stop over analyzing, and simply follow that which brings you joy and relish the experience and avoid repeating the choice that bring pain and hurt. 

The experience with the teacher taught me I have gifts but they come from within and that is where the validation of who I am exists, not outside. The outside validation comes from ego searching to be something more in the physical world which is created by less than the Divine. Due to my training in life I thought I had done something wrong, when in reality the Divine was removing me from a situation in order to bring me to a new level. 

Instead, I retreated, into a long ‘dark night of the soul’. It has taken me years to close that door, and open the door to let the light into the shadows and embrace unconditionally my inner child with love. ”I AM ENOUGH”. There is nothing I need to do in order for the Creator to love me, for I am part of the Creator and always loved. It was my choice to come into this place of amnesia, I wasn’t forced. The Universal Oneness has always been sending me messages of love and encouragement, I only have to go within to hear. 

It was not that I had not know all of this from a intellectual and even intuitive level, it was that my pain was not allowing me to fully embody it and release the blockages I had built. Now I can. Thus as the title of the Blog states, I AM ENOUGH and YOU ARE ENOUGH. It is time for us to accept this and take back our power and authority in our lives, to create a better future.

YOU ARE LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY – when we hold this realization in our hearts, that the Creator of ALL LIFE loves us no matter what, unconditionally, and we are never alone. The process begins.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at oracleofdivinegrace@gmail.com

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim