What’s in a Name?

Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet wrote,” A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

This signifies that a name does not change the essence of who we truly are, or of anything whether object or living.

We each have a name given to us from at the time of birth or shortly thereafter. First names have been present since ones began to speak, and last names were added as communities grew and we had to many Edwins so they either used the Fathers name or their profession as the last name to distinguish one Edwin from another. The meaning of a name evolved also from aspects of their lives. For instance Edwin came from the Ead, meaning prosperity and Wine, meaning friend. So Edwin was the prosperous friend. Perhaps, this Edwin was a baker and another a farmer. Thus, one became Edwin Baker or if his father was the Bakers, Edwin Bakerson. The people at the time knew what the names meant, but through time unless we look up the meaning of a name, we probably have no idea what our name means. If you look on the internet, most names have a meaning.

In many religions, the baby name is chosen for qualities to which the parents aspire for their child and if attuned, the child’s spirit may have helped direct them to a name which brings a certain essence for which they desire in this lifetime. In Buddhist tradition it is said that Buddhist names bring to a baby the positive first impression. This can help the child to create a life of peace, enlightenment and virtue which are goals to which one aspires spiritually. For instance Achara means “an angel who is very pretty”. What girl or woman would not want to be thought of as an pretty angel, and aspire to live up to her name. In Hebrew Joseph means the “will of God” and Mary means ” beloved”. So love and the will of God were the parents who cared for Jesus. In Hindu religion the boy’s name Ishan means “harbinger of wealth”.

It can get confusing also. It is not only our first name which can influence our journey in life it is also middle and surnames. Why do we have middle names, and in the catholic faith they are also given a saint name. Often children were named after saints in ages past. Middle names allowed for ones long ago to name a child to honor an ancestor and to give them a saint name of protection. Sometimes it was to lessen the need to live up to the first name whether the meaning of it or if you were named after an ancestor so that you could choose to be called by another name. For Example, you were named after your aunt Harriet who was beloved, but today Harriet is not so popular a name, so they give you the middle name Rene so that you can choose to go by your middle name with friends and family. The name Harriet means “ruler of the home” while Rene means “reborn or peace”.

Most women have a point in time when if they marry they can choose to change part of there vibrational pattern by taking their husbands last name. If you find you do not resonate with your name, you do have the option of changing it at some point in your life. I was thinking in the past of how movie studios would change the name of actors to have a more powerful impact. Some along the way legally changed their name to the stage name if it was successful. Marion Morrison known as John Wayne never legally changed his name and all of his children have the legal last name Morrison, but use Wayne as their stage name. However, Norma Jeane Mortenson did legally change her name in 1956. Marion Morrison used the nickname Duke throughout his life and in his first few pictures he was Duke Morrison, until the studio decided John Wayne had more appeal. The name John Wayne means, John (graced by God) Wayne (wagon builder). Good name for a man in westerns aspiring to greatness. Marion Morrison means, Marion(of the sea) Morrison (son of Maurice).

Would they have had the same level of success professionally with their birth name? We will never know.

All creation begins with thought, an energy surrounds it and it is spoken into the sea of intent from which it manifests. Everything has a vibration and vibration affects everything. A strong name is the one that carries very strong vibration. Because of these strong vibrations, a person is able to attract success & fame.  Vibration can cause changes in our body, mind and emotional state. A high vibrational nae can aid us in our growth by inspiring us to reach higher. A name with which we do not resonate can cause us to feel bad about ourselves. Or, if the name we were given is considered unusual, we can be teased and feel bad about ourselves and our name. That is probably why Marion Morrison grew up being called Duke, a much more powerful name, which would not lead to being teased.

However, how we feel about our name is centered within us and our relationship with own inner self love and esteem and our need for the approval of others. The name itself is cannot hurt us but how we perceive it or the energy we give to it. All that exists is part of the Creator and so it is of value. A name can be another aspect of ourselves which we either embrace and it empowers or we have trepedation and it stifles our growth. There is nothing which we cannot transform in our lives and energy we cannot change to a higher vibration through belief, love, thought, intent and a some help from the Gold, Silver and Violet Flame of Transmutation. As we focus upon something from a heart centered perspective we learn to understand it from a higher perspective of love and unity, thus uplifting its vibration and our own. The Gold, Silver and Violet Flame, release and transmute all misqualified and stuck energy to allow the Gold of Wisdom and the Silver of Grace to fill our energy and uplift our thoughts and emotions, thus our perception and perspective regarding the issue we are addressing

Dr Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.”

Perhaps what is needed is for parents to be mindful in choosing the names of their children, and if you don’t like your name, you can change it, or perhaps look up its meaning and it might change they way you perceive your name.

Jean Gebser, a philosopher in the early 20th century said,“Only if we grant power to something can it have power over us. It becomes a serving and sustaining potency when we again are able to place it into the realm where it belongs, instead of submitting to it.”

As we move from the physical level of a name to the spiritual we can also see changes. Along my pathway of growth my guides and teachers have at differing times referred to me by different names. These names helped to point out an aspect of myself to which I needed to pay attention. When I first began my journey they called me Bieta, meaning ” tenderness, inquisitiveness, pioneer, sacrificer”. These were certainly qualities upon which I was working as I moved into new spiritual realms. Then For a time they called me Serena, meaning “serene, calm , peaceful”, for my life was a bit chaotic and I needed those qualities. In the last year I was given the name Marguerite as I started blogging. Marguerite which means, “a pearl, daisy, ingenious, resolute, a child of light”. With the meaning of pearl, it became obvious for I was told I was a facilitator of Divine Wisdom within others and it means I listen to others with my heart in order to help them.

So we will find as we come to trust the Divine guidance within a name given to us to help us to resonate with where we are and where we are going at a point in time along our path. We don’t even have to legally change our birth name.

There is a technique on a site called kenpage.com which says to change the frequency vibration of your name and your relationship to it. List 10 things that you feel are beautiful and perfect. Then each night say I Am followed by the name of what you love. For instance, I AM roses, I AM the ocean, I AM the sunset and at the end say I love (your first full name). As you say each one feel the emotion of peace and love that you have for them. Thus you begin to identify your name and who you are with the things you love. Affirmations are powerful especially when spoken in conjunction with a strong emotion of love.

However, there is also another name, to which we will one day be given and it is the name of our soul. In the Christian Bible it says:

 “To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” (Revelation 2:17).

What does this mean?

The one who is victorious is the person who overcomes the lower nature of fear, fight and flight brought forth from ego centered choices and returns to a heart centered life of love, compassion, wisdom and truth. The hidden manna is spiritual truth and wisdom . It is this which sets us free and makes us victorious. The stone represents our spiritual foundation and to be white means we have purified ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually of misqualifed energy. The new name being the name of our spirit, our soul, our I AM Presence, that part of us that is, always has been and always will be One with God and All Creation. It will come when you are ready, for only your soul knows that point in time.

However, your part is to do the work of looking at yourself, you thoughts, words and deeds with mindfullness and taking the steps to clear and transform that which does not align with the Divine that you truly are so that you can embody the I AM wihtin the form. This is called Ascension or Enlightenment.

To each of you by whatever name you choose to use, may you seek the enlightenment within yourself and Be All that your truly Are.



Author: Mareya Shimayah Elohim

I am a facilitator of transcendent light , love and wisdom. My work is to help you to clear misqualified energies and old belief systems, in order that you may transform them. Thus, helping you to be Free to step into your Ascended state.

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