Trust, Honor, Integrity

Sometimes challenges and lessons come more quickly than we can believe. On Monday I had participated in a webinar to clear and activate the 12th Chakra our Stellar Gateway. Part of the clearing had to do with these energies. Yesterday, the energy of trust came up for me, and I had to make a choice on how I would handle it.

To be quite honest, I first reacted, which comes from the rational mind and in so doing I felt I might have hurt another person which was not my intent. My rational mind was simply trying to protect me from harm or hurt. However, when we begin and desire to live from a higher perspective of our heart, we need to allow our soul to guide us so that we act instead of react.

We come into this world full of love, trust and hope. We learn from our interactions, media and experiences with others how to no trust. Our experiences with others teach us to put up walls of protection around our hearts so that we are not hurt by others. This does not allow us to give and receive love fully and it prevents us from trusting in the honor and integrity of others. We judge the motives of others with our rational minds, instead of listening to our heart, our souls, which sees from a higher perspective that which we cannot see. We cannot know with our eyes and minds, that which has created within another their walls of protection which cause them to speak or act in a manner which we don’t understand.

I am not saying that there are not mean, unscrupulous, violent, abusive people who have malicious intent. We cannot change another, but we can change ourselves and how we respond to them. The Universal laws of Attraction and Reflections show us that we do not attract to us something which we do not still have inside of ourselves which needs to be addressed and transformed. For the world is like a mirror that reflects it back to us, and draws ones to us that can help us to see and transform it.

This reminds me of the Ho’oponopono teaching that we can utilize to help ourselves, others and the world by transforming energies within ourselves. This concept helps us torecognize what we are feeling or another and identify that the source of pain within ourselves. The truth is no one can cause us to be upset unless there is something within us attracting and or allowing it to happen. This Ho’oponopono is a process whereby we identify, it within, release it and transform it. I like to use the Cosmic Diamond Violet Flame in the process myself.

The Ho’oponopono states that we ask forgiveness for any pain we have caused another and to give it to others if we think they have caused us pain. Be thankful for the revelation and their forgiveness as you release what have experienced, and move forward in love for them, yourself and all life . It is important in this life in order to be free to forgive others for hurting us and to forgive ourselves for our transgressions as well as to ask others to forgive us.

We can call upon Archangels Lavendar and Amethyst of the Violet Flame to go forth and work with ones to whom we have caused harm to help them to forgive us. This is my version of the process. Be aware of any physical responses you may experience, for this shows you where within your body you may hold the pattern of reaction to this energy. If you feel it, bring the Violet Flame into the part of your body and ask for healing and release.

I cannot change how another will treat me or others, but I can change anything within me that attracted it and how I react to it. Our rational mind which causes us to react was designed to protect us physically and perform daily tasks at the direction of our Soul. However, due to having amnesia that we are part of the Creator, we have been surrounded by fear, doubts and experiences which have caused us to build walls around our heart. These walls have cut us off from hearing our Soul guiding us from a higher perspective. Thus, our rational mind has taken over to protect us not physically, but also mentally and emotionally. We are more consistently in the fight or flight mode, than the forgiving, caring and compassionate mode.

What brought forth this message was my own personal experience with another recently. I had recently began communicating with this person when something they wrote created thoughts of doubt and mistrust as to their honesty. In this day of false identities and identity theft, we have need to be aware of the motives of others. My first reaction was to walk away. I had doubt as to the truth of what they shared and I felt the simplest way to deal with it was to walk away, for there did not appear a way to alleviate the doubt. I shared this with them and afterwards I felt unsettled, so I decided to do some soul searching.

I myself am very careful about what is available on the internet in regards to my identity, for two reasons. One is identity theft, although I believe I am protected always, once long ago, Archangel Michael taught me a lesson to never take that protection for granted at the end of the lesson, the exact words he said were,” You would not go away from your house and leave your windows open, would you?” In reference to me knowing he protected my home and myself always. The second being that what I share as a spiritual facilitator is to help you to connect to your own inner guidance, it isn’t about me. I am not about collecting chelas to follow me, but helping you to Become All you can Be.

That being shared, back to my current lesson. When the doubt came forth, my first reaction was to walk away from contact. As I sat in contemplation and asked for help I was shown that the only way to bring changes into the world regarding trust was to live from the point of transforming my own learned fear and mistrust.

This links back to the webinar of the Stellar Gateway opening because as our 12th chakra it also has 12 chambers of being we must master. They are wisdom, integrity, strength, courage, vision, peace, compassion, balance, oneness, truth, love, joy, trust. This was my opportunity to understand, many of these concepts in one lesson. As I write this I remember the facilitator of the workshop sharing that opportunities to learn these came quickly to here as she was opening the chakra.

Remember, all the world is a mirror which reflects back to us that which we need to transofrm within ourselves. For it there was nothing within me to trigger mistrust it would not have happened. This does not negate that there are people with malicious intent and we need to learn to discern, it means that for me I needed to ask for guidance and to trust in why the connection began. What lessons was in it for me to learn and is there something I can do to help the other person from a place of compassion and understanding by listening to my inner guidance and trusting in my protection.

From a place of higher perspective , I am now aware and moving forward to see if there is a higher purpose in this connection or to simply let it go. The lesson learned is that the fear, mistrust and doubt have been replaced by a trust in my inner knowing and guidance to see the direction which needs to occur in moving forward. To move forward in any situation, challenge or lesson with a perspective of what can I learn from this, what is within me that needs to be released and transformed, and how can I be of Service as a result.

When we stand in the wisdom, integrity, courage, peace, compassion , balance, oneness, and truth of the Divine Source it is our protection and it reflects back to the source any negative energy and intent projected to us from others.

I hope perhaps this lesson of mine, can help you as you experience challenges and lessons. Please write if you have any questions?


If you haven’t heard about the 12 chakras, I will be sharing about them in another message. It is a marvelous time in which we live that the 10 lost tribes/chakras are being restored.


I AM Moriah Elohim

Author: Mareya Shimayah Elohim

I am a facilitator of transcendent light , love and wisdom. My work is to help you to clear misqualified energies and old belief systems, in order that you may transform them. Thus, helping you to be Free to step into your Ascended state.

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