
Understanding reflection allows us to find clarity.

When we find ourselves upset, angry or irritated by the words or actions of another it is because they are reflecting back to us an energy that still exists within us and needs to be cleared. You may say, “Wait a minute. What about people who are judgmental or prejudice? I am not either of those.” In the fact that you are judging another to be judgmental means that energy is still within you in some form. You may not have the exact same beliefs, words or actions but there is some form of energy blockage within you. Every blockage of energy within us is an anchor that keeps us from being free.

If not then their energies would not cause a reaction in you, and instead you would begin to bring in energies of release, healing and transformation into the situation to help them and others who have the same energy. You would have understanding and compassion for them as a part of God with experiences and beliefs which are still affecting them in their thoughts and actions. 

For instance, someone may see a homeless person and speak of them as lazy, or drug addicts, disgusting or mentally unbalanced. Why, perhaps as they grew up they were taught that our worth is based on how hard we work, how much money we make and the things we own. Someone who has fallen upon hard times or had life altering experiences which has created this life situation is beyond their learned understanding. The person who judges them, may also fear that if they don’t work hard enough they could be in that situation. That just being them is not good enough. 

So you have judged them for their lack of understanding or fear reaction which had caused them to judge another. When we are clear of this energy of judgment,or whatever the energy of the situation may be, we can hear or see their reaction and we have understanding and compassion for them as well as the ones about whom they are speaking and reacting. We have no blockages and so their fear, anger or reaction flows through us instead of triggering us. Instead we think of how we can help in this situation to release and transform the energies and be of service. 

Remember that all that exists is part of the Creator Source and so all is linked together and part of each other. What we do, say or feel about another we are doing unto ourselves or a part of ourselves and Creator Source. What we can clear from ourselves, releasing and transforming, we clear from mass consciousness. This is making it easier and setting a pattern for others to release and transform. All life is linked upon Earth within the Creational Matrix of Earth. Through our thoughts and beliefs we create our perceived existence. When we clear something within ourselves it takes that energy out of mass consciousness making it easier for others to be free.

Updated comment: I would like to add a few thoughts that Jesus wanted to say in regard to this. He reminded me of a concept he spoke of in “Love without End” by Glenda Green. He called it ‘innocent perception’. It is what children do naturally, they look at a person or situation or even a landscape before them and they see it without preconceived ideas of how it should be or creating a story about why it is as it appears. They simply see and accept. Animals do this also. I am not trying to compare children to animals, just the concept of innocent perception comes with ‘innocence’ of non beliefs and learned concepts of an idealized way of being or doing. When we let go of the blocked energies, beliefs and patterns of taught idealized behavior which is acceptable, we come down to realizing all is exactly as it needs to be in that moment in time.Each person is learning and experiencing exactly what they need to grow.So why should we use healing prayers for them.Because the energies on earth are so dense, that they have difficulty breaking through to even contemplate another way of seeing, believing and doing.If we can clear some of the dense energies in the mass consciousness, they can perhaps have an AHA moment.If not now then later.When we clear anything for ourselves or within the grids of the planet, we make a difference in what is available for ones to access.

We are seeing them exactly as they are without judging, just observing. We see an energy that can be cleared to help others and we work with it. We are reminded to daily attempt to see things with innocent perception. We can begin by affirm and strengthen the positive energies within us through gratitude (thank you)and to release the negative energies through forgiveness (I’m Sorry, Please forgive me) and practice love, compassion and understanding for all life. For we would all do better if we knew how to do better. and that is why the prayers and calling in of the violet flame can make it easier for other to release the patterns and blockaged that hold them back.

The ho’oponopono healing prayer of reconciliation and is a good process to understand and use in this situation. It goes –

I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.

I want to explain a bit what each part means to me so that you can understand it more fully. Then in a situation where you see you might be able to help release energies you can simply say these words to yourself, and understand the meaning.

I’m sorry – is about understanding in our oneness that we can hurt another part of ourselves and Creator Source. In so doing and we need to clear these energies for us and the others involved to be free. I’m sorry that a part of me has hurt another part of myself. 

Please forgive me -In asking for forgiveness for ourselves and others for the energies, beliefs and actions which have or are occurring, we allow for the process of forgiveness and release to begin for all. For we are part of the Creator experiencing and expanding as are all others and what we do for ourselves we do for all.

Thank you – is knowing that as we are all one, when we are sorry and ask for forgiveness in the whole, the Source always loves us and we are always forgiven. We can be thankful also for the learning experiencing and a chance to be of service.

I love you – Love of the Creator, ourselves and all others. Love is the essence of being and existence. I know that as we gain wisdom we would not knowingly do or say anything to hurt another. It is only in our confusion or lack of clarity and understanding that we do so. When one feels love they are released and transformed. In loving them we send love from our heart to their heart and help them to be uplifted.

Thus ,in understanding what the prayer means in a situation you can begin to say the words and know within you automatically the meaning. Helping to transform and release not just the immediate situation, but the energy within mass consciousness for everyone trapped by this control mechanism. 

You become the change you wish to see in the world with clarity.

Author: Mareya Shimayah Elohim

I am a facilitator of transcendent light , love and wisdom. My work is to help you to clear misqualified energies and old belief systems, in order that you may transform them. Thus, helping you to be Free to step into your Ascended state.

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