Spiritual Gifts

Abilities we gain from Spiritual Growth

Those abilites ones speak of as Spiritual Gifts include .healing, speaking in tongues, light language, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, discerning spirits and claircognizance. Some people are born with these abilities. This is usually because they have developed them in another incarnation and part of their soul contract in this life time was to bring forth this gift. The main reason is usually to help others along their spiritual path and inspire them to develop spiritually. However, they may have a lesson to learn, beliefs to release from prior lifetimes to which this gift is a part of that lesson or process. Perhaps they had been a charlatan or cult leader in another life who deceived people and they have a chance to clear those energies by helping others in this life time. 

For most of us these gifts come forth in differing levels as we clear old beliefs, blockages and energies and come into soul guided growth and direction. We may even have decided to block certain gifts in this lifetime due to it being part of our growth and learning process. I for instance blocked clairvoyance due to not wanting to see certain things that I knew would happen, and it could have been more of a hindrance to my spiritual growth than a help. 

 You see we make a plan about our life before we enter incarnation. We decide what we wish to learn, what old energies we want to clear and old patterns or DNA patterns. We decide how we can be of service and where to incarnate, even our parents. We even make contracts with others to come together if possible in this lifetime to complete these tasks. Our soul knows our plan as do the souls of others with whom we made contracts and they work to inspire us and bring us together to complete these plans. However, we all have free will choices and some things do not manifest, and we don’t always listen due to lack of spiritual direction and growth.

Some who come in with specific gifts but this does not mean they are manifesting a high vibrational level or connection. It is easy for ones to be deceived into believing they are channeling Archangel Michael when it is a lower astral entity if they are not spiritually protected and discerning. This doesn’t make them bad, just unaware and misguided. Unfortunately those who are not also pursuing their spiritual development can get caught up in the ego feeding process of ‘guru and chela’ where they gather followers. They are puffed up from the energies put upon them by others and get lazy in their spiritual growth and making helping others to connect to their own guidance their first priority. For to do so might mean they would loose followers, money and or adoration.

If someone does not point you to develop your own inward connection be aware, that they may be caught in the ego trap and move on, unless you prefer to be a follower, and that is your choice. We see that this is how many cults begin. I am not saying this is true of everyone and I don’t know the path of each, just remember to make your inward journey your focus, and not following others or just to be part of a group and not alone. WE ARE NEVER ALONE for we are ONE with the Creator.

Group support is very helpful in your process for it helps to increase the energies. You will find as you grow and develop that you can out grow a group. You will have learned what you needed for this particular aspect of your spiritual process. Don’t be afraid to move on to new books or teachings that will help you to develop to a new level of Being. Seek within your heart for direction. We can only express spiritual gifts to the level of which we have developed in this lifetime. One may do a past life regression and find out they were an oracle at delphi or a great healer. However, if you try to tap into these gifts in this life, you may be able to connect, but your abilities will be limited by your beliefs, blockages and the amount of light and love you can channel. As you progress spiritually, clear blockage and energies you move into higher vibrational levels and abilities.

BE discerning and seek that which brings you into a greater connection with the Divine within you. You have choices, make them wisely. Sacred texts warn against ones who connect with spirits just for these reasons. Not that the gifts are bad or the people but that their spiritual development limits them and you. The answers you seek are within you and need to be your focus.

 My service is to help you to make that inner connection.

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim

Confused Saviors

Living from the heart versus the ego.

We have had many cults and cult leaders in the last century who gather followers and believers. The followers can become quite fanatical in their beliefs and support of their leader. Some leaders may have started out inspired and spiritually directed. Others began as either grifters or narcissitic sociopaths. Not being in judgment of these people simply stating from a palce of detached observation. A grifter is someone who is charming, charismatic in appearance or speech and uses these to entrap or trick other people out of their money. A narcissitic sociopath is someone who manipulates or harms others for their own personal gain. They live in a deluded reality with a need for power, money and control. They have little or no moral codes and use charisma and humor to charm others. They are impulsive and can be aggressive, disregarding rules, laws and social norms as below them.

How do we fall under their spell? We have been trained since birth to be disempowered and to bow to the rewards and punishment system of society in order to be liked and accepted. Even some of the religious systems speak of a Prophet or Leader who will return to either save us or judge us as unworthy. This connects to our own training to do what we are told is right, in regards to beliefs and actions so that we can be one of the ‘chosen’. This open a place in our lives for someone to step in who speaks with authority, and perhaps even demonstrates traits we believe are part of the package of being saved, to take over our lives and even money. 

At first they are loving and supportive, but as they begin to be worshipped by followers, who follow without question, they have a strong choice to make, to move the followers inward to find their own Divine connection or to increase the personal rewards to ego, and create a stronger bond to themselves. This usually involves some sort of fear factor, that if they leave they will either be ‘damned’ to hell or they will be harmed. The other factor may be playing on their ego, that they have something that ones outside their group do not have, they are chosen. They have the right to judge others, and either obtain more followers through charisma or fear. These ones also are ego lead to power and control.

Many who fall into their spell are sad, depressed, have issues with self love, and self worth. They may be at loose ends having ended a job or relationship, even parting from family. They may have been in a controlling and abusive relationship. These emotions leaving them vulnerable to the promise of something loving and greater than themselves to give them hope. Some have left a mainstream religion, but with the memories of the beliefs and words of their parents and society ringing in their DNA. They are searching for something greater and more inspiring, to be part of something greater than themselves. This new religion or group promises to show them a greater path and they will become stronger and more in control of their lives, and even an inspiration to others. Each of these is an issue with ego not being balanced to the heart, that leaves one vulnerable to a cult leader.

We are used to others making laws and rules that we are supposed to follow in order to be liked, accepted and succeed in society. So following the rules is easy for them. The leader just has to find the right key to trigger ones to follow them. Perhaps they have the ability of verbal persuasion, a type of hypnosis through words. They might know mind control techniques. Some make know some forms of manifestation or magic to appear supernaturally gifted. What ever the means, they are the savior, the chosen one and they will choose those who will be the saved and blessed people. 

They can either create more self doubt, and misguided beliefs in their followers or appeal to their own ego in order to control them. If ones awaken at the time of control to what is happening in their lives, and they loss of power and control, they are often trapped in the web and through force not allowed to leave, through threats of harm to themselves or loved ones. 

We have seen many lead to death of individuals or the entire cult. Once one is connected it is hard to break away. If that is possible, they should seek medical evaluation of their body and counseling fo some knid. Either psychiatric or spiritual. Unfortunately, their are ‘archons’ of many types who have developed and controlled the direction politically, economically and socially for many milleniums on earth. They are quite adept at the mechanisms they use like mind control in many forms used to entrap and enslave the energies of humanity spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. We have been conditioned by the ancestoral training and the systems of the planet to fit into the systems, whether political, familial, societal, country, ethnic, racial or economic. All systems have rewards and punishments involved with conforming to its rules. So it is no surprise we may conform to a cult. 

We seek something more in life, hope for something to escape the chaos around us. It is hard for ones to leave because the feras and doubts which allowed them to become a part are now even more deeply embedded in their minds. If they leave they are in need of healing the inner child the pain and teachings, healing the heart to connect to the Divine within to bring light to the shadow of the mind. 

The work of healing the inner child and embracing the shadows to be whole begins in the heart. We move into the heart, opening it to connect with our Soul so that it might take it’s place as the guide of the mind. This will lead us back to freedom and unity for the authority and control of others upon the Earth. We seek to bring the light into the shadows of our heart and mind, within our very DNA, that comes from this life, past lives on earth, other planets and dimensions, and from our ancestors and their karmic links. We can use the Divine Violet Fire of transmutation to help us to recognize, release and transform these energies, beliefs and blockages to be Free. Then we can bring the Golden Light of the Creator into every cell and subatomic particle of our body and DNA so that we become protected, whole, unifed and a guiding light unto others to be Free.

It takes a village to help each other. We need to seek love within the heart to allow our Soul to help us be Free. Seek not another in the form, for the Creator is within. 

The final thought is those who would entrap others – let go- it is not our part to seek revenge, but to forgive others, for to continue to hold anger ties us to them energetically. When we forgive, release and transform that energy with the violet flame, we are free. Then it is their own part to deal with the karma they have created.

I AM Mareya Shimayh Elohim

I Am a teacher, energy healer, facilitator for Ones on the Ascension path and spiritual counselor. If you have any questions you can contact me at oracleofdivinegrace@gmail.com.