Truth and Understanding

Today more then ever people are searching for a greater Truth to help them understand their lives and the world in which we live.

With the internet seemingly attached to the fingers of most people via their phones, laptops and tablets, most of their waking hours, they can search the internet for any information of interest. We can find writings, causes, theories and or insights beyond our own knowledge and understanding, or so we hope.

Many people distrust the government and institutions of society and are ready to accept that which ones share on the internet which reinforces this belief. They look for validation of their beliefs and ideas or even theories of others which may answer their questions. They seek prophecy of others who may have a more Divine insight to guide them along their path.

There are many prophets and there are charlatans in the world. There are ones who spread false prophecy which they state is truth, but which they may or may not realize is in fact a false truth. It rather is a relative thought or truth based on their personal experience, bias or implanted and influenced thoughts from outside sources which they interpret as Divine.

I am not here to say conspiracy theories are false or true. Simply to say there are many hidden truths in our world and manipulations of people which do exist. Most of which have existed and evolved over millennium and with todays technology the ability of ones who wish to control and manipulate mass consciousness and human institutions exist in a time which makes that much easier. In our chaos created society, mass consciousness is constantly bombarded with falsity shared as truth in order to deceive and control others to manifest the desired outcome of those who appear to be in control. This is perpetrated on multiple levels.

They are like magicians who get you to look in one location while they complete their illusion in another. They will direct you to believe another group is the conspirators/manipulators while at the same time they have drawn you into their vision and plan to create the situations and outcomes they desire.

They may tell you they are serving your interests, but in reality they are simply manipulating you for their own advantage and needs. Many of them too are being manipulated by others and do not fully know what they are doing.

The Universal Source of Creation is now pouring forth upon the Earth the Creative energy of love and compassion to aid in the awakening of humanity to the greater TRUTH and FREEDOM. For when we awaken we are able to understand what is higher TRUTH and relative truth.

This is why so many are within the last few years seeing conspiracies everywhere. For we are feeling the nudge within to be FREEE of the mass consciousness control and to move into a place of peace, joy, love , happiness and abundance. However, unfortunately too many have not sought to open to a more Loving, compassionate and peaceful pathway to this freedom. Why?

Probably because they feel alone and when joining with others in a particular belief or cause based upon a conspiracy, they feel they are part of a group and no longer alone. They feel connected, and the energies of joining, intensifies their emotions to a fever pitch. They feel more able to take back control as part of a group. They feel accepted. They are hopefully, a part of a group which will fight the good fight and save the world.

Unfortunately, most have not opened their hearts to let the LOVE and COMPASSION, which are the ESSENCE OF CREATION, into their hearts. For when we open our hearts and feel this connection to Creation, we expand and connect with a peaceful, joyful, loving and unified path of FREEDOM. This allows the hearts go guide the minds to find path of guidance and insight which lead to wisdom and unity. Then they can discern TRUTH.

Most are still using old socialized and institutionally learned patterns as their frame of reference in making choices.

We live in a world where mind control and manipulation exist via mass and social media.

In 1928, Edward Bernays espoused the idea of mental manipulation of the masses by media to guide the desired attitudes, beliefs and actions to match those of the group doing the manipulation. We can today see the results of this manipulation upon humanity.

This manipulation has caused a separation of us or them within humanity.

The ability to discern truth lies within our hearts. When we hear truth with our open hearts it brings us a feeling of peace, compassion, unity, warmth and joy. When what is shared is a relative or manipulative truth, it can creates fear, anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, violence and spite or empowerment over others.

TRUTH the greater truth inspires us to love, compassion, unity and a greater level of living for everyone. This is the path to unlimited prosperity and abundance in our lives. For our prosperity does not have to come at the expense or burden of another, but from knowing that as we allow our abundance to flow it returns to us tenfold.

How do we open our hearts to this greater Truth, understanding and prosperity?

From childhood our self identity and self worth have been formed through the rewards and punishment formula. We are rewarded or punished based upon our ability to accept and conform to the desired norms of our family and society. Little by little the open heart with which we were born begins to build a wall of fear of punishment. We fear that those in authority will punish us if we do something wrong and that we are only loved based upon our ability to conform. The feeling and knowing of Love with which we were born is enclosed in a wall of fear and self doubt.

When we are born most of us feel the love of our parents. We feel connected to them. Unless we are hurt by others, we move through our lives, by being open and loving with others. This open heart tells us we are loved by those around us, and they will not hurt us but protect us. We feel that the world in which we live is caring, compassionate and beautiful.

It is not until someone withholds that unconditional love unless we conform to their desires that our hearts, views and understanding of the world begin to shift. No longer do we see the world as the beautiful and caring place into which we were born, but as a place to which we must establish our self worth based on the desires and opinions of others.

The heart to heart connection to others is lost and we can no longer accurately know the higher truth from lies.

We are living in a time on Earth when all have been given the chance to reflect upon the heart and to spend time connecting within and opening the heart. We have been blessed with extra Universal Source energy of love being present to help us in this process if we choose to partake. If we choose, and do the work of opening our hearts, then we can begin to discern in all of this information and disinformation from the media the Higher Truth from the relative truth or lies.

We are going through a time over the last few years when the worst in humanity has been triggered and brought to the surface in hopes that we would choose to heal it by opening our hearts and seeing through eyes of love and compassion. This was done to help us to decide to come into unity and to support us as we reach out together to heal ourselves, each other and the world.

It is a time of healing on more than just the physical level, but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. When our hearts are open the hurts and indoctrinations of the past can be healed. Then we can once again find self love, and know that we are truly worthy of being loved. In a state of self love we find our self confidence, and inner guidance.

Many have chosen to resent and blame others even more at this time, rather than seeking a healing. The energies of Universal Source which can amplify our inner love, has amplified and revealed that which is not of the higher Love, Light and Truth.

Thus, those who refuse to make changes have found themselves going deeper down the rabbit hole of conspiracy, hatred, fear, anger and violence espoused by Chaos/Conspiracy theorist which is designed to distract them from the greater Truth of Universal Creator Source. The Truth that limitless, abundance, good health, peace and joy come from an open heart and love.

Seek first within the heart, to know love and share it with others. Ask to be shown the Greater Truth so you can be FREE and listen to what your heart shows you. The changes are a process through which you must move. It is not always easy, as we face the shadows that haunt us and have caused us to close down, but the FREEDOM is worth the work. No one can do it for you.

Begin by communicating with others with Love and affection. All people need love, understanding and compassion. It is the fear they are not lovable which has caused them to close down and often become a hard person with whom to interact.

“When you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

Feel free to email if you have questions.

There are many resources available online or near you to help you to begin the process.

