Spiritual Tools

They are created to help us to Be all that we can Be.

There are many tools we have available to us in our spiritual growth and Ascension process. Please do not confuse tools with spiritual gifts. Gifts are the clair(senses) and abilities we acquire as we tap into the differing levels of spiritual development, clarity and service. Tools can be physical, non-physical and even entities or Beings of Light.

A tool on the physical level can be a crystal, oracle cards, meditation, energy healers, dowsing rods, teachers, books, spiritual counselors or any person or object that aids us in clearing, activating and aligning our energies and chakras. It will help us to clear blockages, old beliefs and concepts, control seals and implants as well as attachments from other people, events and objects. They can even include,salt, trees, water, animals and flowers, as well as the essential oils created from them. These nature tools help to elevate our energies and thoughts. 

A non-physical tool can be the energies of the violet flame, resurrection flames, ascension flames, our chakra system, Divine light and energies. All that is shared with us on a non physical level to aid in our transformation and development.

Non physical Beings can be Archangels, Angels, Fairies, Elementals, Ascended Masters, Archetypes and Non Terrestrial Beings. Archangels represent orders of Beings who bring forth specific energies of Creator Source to us. For instance, Archangel Michael brings truth, communication, protection, freeing us from attachments, alignment to Divine Will and strength. You may think it is demeaning to refer to these beings as tools, but I asked and they said they are not offended for in using the term I am meaning that they are representing an energy (tool) to be used to aid us in development and that is their service to us. Much the same as we use a tool to complete a task or vision, we use their specific energy to help us to complete the task of transformation and ascension. They do not want us to worship them or see them as superior to ourselves. They are a part of the Creator and a part of us. We are family and the bring to us an energy essence tool we need. However, we are not to take them for granted for they have shared a great gift with us when they help us to be ALL THAT WE CAN BE.

So, put on your tool belt and start manifesting the world we need and want by Being all you can BE.

Remember you have to ask for the non physical beings to help or the flames of transformation and resurrection to come because of free will.

Blessings to you.

I Am Mareya Shimayah Elohim


Understanding reflection allows us to find clarity.

When we find ourselves upset, angry or irritated by the words or actions of another it is because they are reflecting back to us an energy that still exists within us and needs to be cleared. You may say, “Wait a minute. What about people who are judgmental or prejudice? I am not either of those.” In the fact that you are judging another to be judgmental means that energy is still within you in some form. You may not have the exact same beliefs, words or actions but there is some form of energy blockage within you. Every blockage of energy within us is an anchor that keeps us from being free.

If not then their energies would not cause a reaction in you, and instead you would begin to bring in energies of release, healing and transformation into the situation to help them and others who have the same energy. You would have understanding and compassion for them as a part of God with experiences and beliefs which are still affecting them in their thoughts and actions. 

For instance, someone may see a homeless person and speak of them as lazy, or drug addicts, disgusting or mentally unbalanced. Why, perhaps as they grew up they were taught that our worth is based on how hard we work, how much money we make and the things we own. Someone who has fallen upon hard times or had life altering experiences which has created this life situation is beyond their learned understanding. The person who judges them, may also fear that if they don’t work hard enough they could be in that situation. That just being them is not good enough. 

So you have judged them for their lack of understanding or fear reaction which had caused them to judge another. When we are clear of this energy of judgment,or whatever the energy of the situation may be, we can hear or see their reaction and we have understanding and compassion for them as well as the ones about whom they are speaking and reacting. We have no blockages and so their fear, anger or reaction flows through us instead of triggering us. Instead we think of how we can help in this situation to release and transform the energies and be of service. 

Remember that all that exists is part of the Creator Source and so all is linked together and part of each other. What we do, say or feel about another we are doing unto ourselves or a part of ourselves and Creator Source. What we can clear from ourselves, releasing and transforming, we clear from mass consciousness. This is making it easier and setting a pattern for others to release and transform. All life is linked upon Earth within the Creational Matrix of Earth. Through our thoughts and beliefs we create our perceived existence. When we clear something within ourselves it takes that energy out of mass consciousness making it easier for others to be free.

Updated comment: I would like to add a few thoughts that Jesus wanted to say in regard to this. He reminded me of a concept he spoke of in “Love without End” by Glenda Green. He called it ‘innocent perception’. It is what children do naturally, they look at a person or situation or even a landscape before them and they see it without preconceived ideas of how it should be or creating a story about why it is as it appears. They simply see and accept. Animals do this also. I am not trying to compare children to animals, just the concept of innocent perception comes with ‘innocence’ of non beliefs and learned concepts of an idealized way of being or doing. When we let go of the blocked energies, beliefs and patterns of taught idealized behavior which is acceptable, we come down to realizing all is exactly as it needs to be in that moment in time.Each person is learning and experiencing exactly what they need to grow.So why should we use healing prayers for them.Because the energies on earth are so dense, that they have difficulty breaking through to even contemplate another way of seeing, believing and doing.If we can clear some of the dense energies in the mass consciousness, they can perhaps have an AHA moment.If not now then later.When we clear anything for ourselves or within the grids of the planet, we make a difference in what is available for ones to access.

We are seeing them exactly as they are without judging, just observing. We see an energy that can be cleared to help others and we work with it. We are reminded to daily attempt to see things with innocent perception. We can begin by affirm and strengthen the positive energies within us through gratitude (thank you)and to release the negative energies through forgiveness (I’m Sorry, Please forgive me) and practice love, compassion and understanding for all life. For we would all do better if we knew how to do better. and that is why the prayers and calling in of the violet flame can make it easier for other to release the patterns and blockaged that hold them back.

The ho’oponopono healing prayer of reconciliation and is a good process to understand and use in this situation. It goes –

I’m Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you.

I want to explain a bit what each part means to me so that you can understand it more fully. Then in a situation where you see you might be able to help release energies you can simply say these words to yourself, and understand the meaning.

I’m sorry – is about understanding in our oneness that we can hurt another part of ourselves and Creator Source. In so doing and we need to clear these energies for us and the others involved to be free. I’m sorry that a part of me has hurt another part of myself. 

Please forgive me -In asking for forgiveness for ourselves and others for the energies, beliefs and actions which have or are occurring, we allow for the process of forgiveness and release to begin for all. For we are part of the Creator experiencing and expanding as are all others and what we do for ourselves we do for all.

Thank you – is knowing that as we are all one, when we are sorry and ask for forgiveness in the whole, the Source always loves us and we are always forgiven. We can be thankful also for the learning experiencing and a chance to be of service.

I love you – Love of the Creator, ourselves and all others. Love is the essence of being and existence. I know that as we gain wisdom we would not knowingly do or say anything to hurt another. It is only in our confusion or lack of clarity and understanding that we do so. When one feels love they are released and transformed. In loving them we send love from our heart to their heart and help them to be uplifted.

Thus ,in understanding what the prayer means in a situation you can begin to say the words and know within you automatically the meaning. Helping to transform and release not just the immediate situation, but the energy within mass consciousness for everyone trapped by this control mechanism. 

You become the change you wish to see in the world with clarity.

Personal Pymander Template

Retraining ourselves to ‘zero point’

I don’t often recommend something, but I know the person who brings these templates into form for us and she is pure of heart. The Personal Pymander Template has powerful energy. Your template will not look like this but be personalized for you as she is guided. As one looks at it the template guides our focus, mind and intent back to ‘zero point’ – unity consciousness with Source through the heart . Our heart active at zero point guides and links the brain/mind complex to the Higher Mind. Of course our mind wanders again but each time we gaze at the template it helps us to refocus and begin to reset our intent to zero point and make maintaining this focus easier.

Please note I am receiving no payment for doing this, it is simply offering to each an link to a tool that may help you along your path of Ascension.

If you are inteested here is a link which has more explanations.


An example of a personal pymander template.


Spiritual Gifts

Abilities we gain from Spiritual Growth

Those abilites ones speak of as Spiritual Gifts include .healing, speaking in tongues, light language, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, discerning spirits and claircognizance. Some people are born with these abilities. This is usually because they have developed them in another incarnation and part of their soul contract in this life time was to bring forth this gift. The main reason is usually to help others along their spiritual path and inspire them to develop spiritually. However, they may have a lesson to learn, beliefs to release from prior lifetimes to which this gift is a part of that lesson or process. Perhaps they had been a charlatan or cult leader in another life who deceived people and they have a chance to clear those energies by helping others in this life time. 

For most of us these gifts come forth in differing levels as we clear old beliefs, blockages and energies and come into soul guided growth and direction. We may even have decided to block certain gifts in this lifetime due to it being part of our growth and learning process. I for instance blocked clairvoyance due to not wanting to see certain things that I knew would happen, and it could have been more of a hindrance to my spiritual growth than a help. 

 You see we make a plan about our life before we enter incarnation. We decide what we wish to learn, what old energies we want to clear and old patterns or DNA patterns. We decide how we can be of service and where to incarnate, even our parents. We even make contracts with others to come together if possible in this lifetime to complete these tasks. Our soul knows our plan as do the souls of others with whom we made contracts and they work to inspire us and bring us together to complete these plans. However, we all have free will choices and some things do not manifest, and we don’t always listen due to lack of spiritual direction and growth.

Some who come in with specific gifts but this does not mean they are manifesting a high vibrational level or connection. It is easy for ones to be deceived into believing they are channeling Archangel Michael when it is a lower astral entity if they are not spiritually protected and discerning. This doesn’t make them bad, just unaware and misguided. Unfortunately those who are not also pursuing their spiritual development can get caught up in the ego feeding process of ‘guru and chela’ where they gather followers. They are puffed up from the energies put upon them by others and get lazy in their spiritual growth and making helping others to connect to their own guidance their first priority. For to do so might mean they would loose followers, money and or adoration.

If someone does not point you to develop your own inward connection be aware, that they may be caught in the ego trap and move on, unless you prefer to be a follower, and that is your choice. We see that this is how many cults begin. I am not saying this is true of everyone and I don’t know the path of each, just remember to make your inward journey your focus, and not following others or just to be part of a group and not alone. WE ARE NEVER ALONE for we are ONE with the Creator.

Group support is very helpful in your process for it helps to increase the energies. You will find as you grow and develop that you can out grow a group. You will have learned what you needed for this particular aspect of your spiritual process. Don’t be afraid to move on to new books or teachings that will help you to develop to a new level of Being. Seek within your heart for direction. We can only express spiritual gifts to the level of which we have developed in this lifetime. One may do a past life regression and find out they were an oracle at delphi or a great healer. However, if you try to tap into these gifts in this life, you may be able to connect, but your abilities will be limited by your beliefs, blockages and the amount of light and love you can channel. As you progress spiritually, clear blockage and energies you move into higher vibrational levels and abilities.

BE discerning and seek that which brings you into a greater connection with the Divine within you. You have choices, make them wisely. Sacred texts warn against ones who connect with spirits just for these reasons. Not that the gifts are bad or the people but that their spiritual development limits them and you. The answers you seek are within you and need to be your focus.

 My service is to help you to make that inner connection.

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim


Taking back our authority and sovereignty

Ego is our ID our identity of self. It is that part of us that speaks and acts based upon the beliefs of our rational mind and the conclusions it reaches based on past teachings and experiences. It is the guardian of the form which focuses upon the fight and flight energy. 

Our ego can love, but it needs to control the situation and the interactions with others. The other extreme is that the ego is a wounded child energy that has self doubt or low self esteem due to past experiences and becomes subservient to another. In this scenario we see the concept of opposites attracting. Both extremes come from a place of ego and unbalanced energy. 

In life interactions the ego seeks control of all situations in order to be safe and avoid the need of fight or flight. It seeks shelter, and fulfillment of its needs, wants and desires. It is the role of the ego/rational mind to protect the form and perform the daily functions of life directed by the soul. 

In the beginning we all existed in Oneness with our I AM Presence, which is always one with the Creator. However as earth came into 3D frequency from 5D the I AM Presence could not exist on these frequencies and so the soul became the go between. The soul does not manifest on the physical level, but it seeks constantly to communicate with us and guide us. It wants to help us to remember who we are and to complete the contracts we came in to do and live a life of abundance, peace and joy. In reality we are a part of the Creator experiencing our creation in a myriad of forms. We no longer remember this because of the amnesia we experience now upon incarnation. This is done so that we will be limited in our ability to utilize our creational energies fully until such time as we remember who we truly are and create in alignment with our Soul and I AM Presence. 

When we begin to connect with our soul from a heart centered focus we find that our life becomes easier and flows. Our ego and rational mind begin to relax knowing that they no longer need to try to control the world in order to keep us safe. For in unity with our Soul we are connected to the Creator, via our I AM Presence and the Universal Mind of Oneness. The choices we are guided to make and the action we take will benefit us and all life. We can begin to enjoy life more and experience abundance, mentally, emotionally, financially and spiritually. We loose nothing but the fear, and we gain the unlimited and infinite.

We come to know that all we need is with us and all we had to do was to LET GO of the need to control and allow the Oneness to guide us. In this choice we have taken back authority and power in our lives from the control mechanisms of the world. 

May you find the Peace of Unity and freedom in your life.

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim together with Sanat Kumara


Self Love and Acceptance are the Keys

Sometimes we don’t fully realize what it is in our life which is holding us back from fully experiencing life, joy, and Being at one with our I Am Presence and our dreams. We don’t understand how we are trained to look for what is wrong with us, instead of what is right. This happens in order to change, or hide the ‘wrong’ parts to be loved, accepted and rewarded by our parents, family, friends and society. 

Yet, WHO originally decided what is acceptable and unacceptable. These rules of training and controlling us to conform in order to be loved and accepted. These rules are passed down from generation to generation, through rewards and punishment training. If we want to be loved, accepted and succeed in life we must conform to the determined proper behavior patterns. 

This is not an advocation for doing anything that harms another, through verbal or physical abuse or violence in any form. These actions are covered under universal laws of cause and effect, karma. It means we need to look inside and connect with our soul to see what is right for us.  Look inside of our hearts to ask for guidance in how to live, experience and expand our creative process in the world. It means seeking a new way of teaching our children how to live and experience the world. 

If you watch any of the zoo programs that are available on television you would notice that often they have to train an animal to go into a travel box in order to have medical procedures or to travel to another location. When they train an animal they do not do so with punishment but with rewards only. If an animal chooses not to participate they don’t try to force it, but allow it to leave and attempt the process another day, when it is the choice of the animal to participate. 

In the animal world if they are wounded they will naturally go to a safe place to try to heal. If approached by a person or another animal, they will either withdraw more or lash out in fear in order to protect themselves from futher harm. We do that also, if our feelings, thoughts or emotions are hurt or threatened we either withdraw or lash out. Depending on how we were trained or our experiences in life. Either way we build our protection around our hearts, minds and emotions in order to protect them from further hurt and pain. We create a wounded child within us or a shadow part, that we keep locked up in the dark. If we don’t look at it we don’t have to deal with it, yet it affects us and our choices. We build walls around our hearts to protect us from hurt and pain.

Children instead of rewards or punishment need to be taught to be safe and their personal interests and abilities encouraged to develop. We need to teach them they are loved unconditionally and help them to develop their personal relationship within to the Creator Source. This will help them to know they are always loved, guided and protected. They will not need to hide who they are from others for they will know ‘ THEY ARE ENOUGH’.

For me personally I had to work with this energy to realize that ‘I AM ENOUGH’. I have felt for a few years that I was hitting a brick wall in my moving forward with the spiritual work I had contracted to do in this life. I had broken through, or so I thought, the block that was holding up my spiritual development but not the moving out into the world that was needed. 

I was given the message recently that ’I AM ENOUGH’ and to search within for the ‘heart wound’ that had built up walls in my heart, and blockages to my gifts. This was preventing me from connecting fully with my I AM Presence. This was causing me to shut off certain experience out of fear or hurt or believing I was not enough to do what was needed. There was a belief that there was something lacking within me. 

I had created a wounded child within, a shadow self, that I didn’t want to look at because it would hurt, and so I thought I was protecting it by locking it in a dark room within myself. However, no child likes the dark and cries with pain to be heard and to see the light, not understanding what it did wrong. Yet, how could I help when I didn’t understand myself. Much like our parents believe they are doing the right thing for their children because that was how they were raised. 

Then last night came the breakthrough. I had asked my guides to help me to release the fears, pain and shadows to heal the wounded parts of myself so we could come together in unity. In my last dream before awaking, I was shown what I needed to see and understand. 

First, I was with a spiritual teacher I had many years ago, who had taught me to accept and expand my spiritual gifts. For the first time in my life, I had felt that the Creator had forgiven me for whatever had caused me to be abandoned here on earth. I was doing spiritual work on the grids and learning so much. I felt good about myself and being of service, that there was much more to come and then it ended. The teacher was gone and again I felt abandoned by the Creator. I didn’t trust my gifts for they had led me to this situation. I retreated and put the spiritual gifts into the closet with the abandoned child in the dark. There was something wrong with me and I retreated.

Then,it was what appeared to be New Years Eve, ‘New Year – New Me’ and I was in a town by the ocean. I was walking along the pier and I saw adults standing in line waiting to partake of a feast and celebrate but none of them had their children. I was inspired to create a party in the back yard of the home in which I was living, with lights and a feast for the children to celebrate and watch the fireworks over the ocean. They played and laughed in the lights and celebration and I awoke with the words, “I AM ENOUGH” filling my head and heart. 

I had released the child within me to celebrate the New Year and to become one with me – the New Me. No more standing in line and doing the expected in life. I am free to celebrate and experiences all the parts of me, as I feel directed.

As I sat quietly upon awaking, I realized how I had looked for validation for myself spiritually outside instead of within, and it was part of my growth to learn that this is ego based to look outside for validation. I needed to remember what I had learned, that in coming to earth I knew that I would have amnesia in regards to my connection to the Creator. I was never abandoned, I had simply forgotten that I was part of the Creator and never alone. Once I reconnected to my soul and allow my soul to guide me, I am never alone or unsafe. 

I was reminded there are signs all around me everyday from the Universe trying to get my attention and send me messages and answers to my questions. Love brings light to remove the darkness and shadows. It heals the heart and wounds of the child within to know I am not alone, I am not abandoned, I am enough and loved unconditionally. I don’t need walls anymore to keep me safe from hurt. I can drop my defenses and know that all I need is within my heart. 

Our soul is always conencted to Source, even when we face difficult people, situations and choices. To remember not to allow others to determine who you are of what you should do, for they see life from their training, experience, beliefs and perspective. Neither try to change them, but allow them their beliefs and know the Divine is within them, knocking on the doors of their hearts and sending them signs from the Universe and when they are ready they will open their hearts and minds. 

The options we have are experinces , we need but unlock the self imposed cages to answer the heart call. No one needs to be wrong for us to be right. Those who trained us in our youth did the best they knew, but that doesn’t mean we need to continue the pattern. When we realize that it no longer serves us the door closes, and a new one opens that leads to freedom, inspiration, exploration, expansion and creativity. Release the Judgment of self and others and trust the heart. It is time to stop over analyzing, and simply follow that which brings you joy and relish the experience and avoid repeating the choice that bring pain and hurt. 

The experience with the teacher taught me I have gifts but they come from within and that is where the validation of who I am exists, not outside. The outside validation comes from ego searching to be something more in the physical world which is created by less than the Divine. Due to my training in life I thought I had done something wrong, when in reality the Divine was removing me from a situation in order to bring me to a new level. 

Instead, I retreated, into a long ‘dark night of the soul’. It has taken me years to close that door, and open the door to let the light into the shadows and embrace unconditionally my inner child with love. ”I AM ENOUGH”. There is nothing I need to do in order for the Creator to love me, for I am part of the Creator and always loved. It was my choice to come into this place of amnesia, I wasn’t forced. The Universal Oneness has always been sending me messages of love and encouragement, I only have to go within to hear. 

It was not that I had not know all of this from a intellectual and even intuitive level, it was that my pain was not allowing me to fully embody it and release the blockages I had built. Now I can. Thus as the title of the Blog states, I AM ENOUGH and YOU ARE ENOUGH. It is time for us to accept this and take back our power and authority in our lives, to create a better future.

YOU ARE LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY – when we hold this realization in our hearts, that the Creator of ALL LIFE loves us no matter what, unconditionally, and we are never alone. The process begins.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at oracleofdivinegrace@gmail.com

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim

America 2024

Choosing our Future

I am writing this from a spiritual perspective for that is the focus we need to have as we enter this period of political choice in America and changes to the Highest Possible Future of Earth.

In the next 9 years we are entering the greatest period of changes we have experienced in millenium. There is as much help being sent to us and being offered, if we but ask, to help us navigate this with as much ease as possible. That being said, we are the creators of our future through our choices.

As humanity moved from the Middle Ages and Dark Ages into the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, America was a cradle being nurtured for its future purpose, a great experiment, that had not happened since the last Golden Age on Earth, Democracy. The Ones who serve the Creator and have been working diligently behind the scenes to guide and inspire us, guided humanity out of the dark ages, when a few rulers/dictators and religious institutions controlled the knowledge of the world and determined the future of all humanity through fear and control. People were pawns for them to play their games. 

I have written before about a quote from the television show “The Closer”

 I remember once hearing a speech about what it meant to be on officer of the CIA, and the man who gave this speech talked about the struggle to control civilization and how we’re always fighting the same fight and he used the Dark Ages as an example. And he talked about how on one side you had the pragmatic king who was greedy and power hungry and basically took advantage of people whenever he could. And on the other side you had the idealistic church, forcing everyone to follow the same rules, have the same beliefs and all that. Neither the king or the church was ever completely right or wrong, both sides ended up doing terrible things to get what they wanted. Really terrible things. But the point of the story was this: that this struggle from the Dark Ages had been going on forever, and the church and the king might take on different forms and philosophies, but they would always fight each other, pragmatist and idealist, and that most times you’re better off standing on the sidelines and letting them duke it out. But every once in a while one side or the other decides it might be better to just blow up the whole world just to get its own way, and when that happens you can’t stand on the sidelines anymore. You have to pick a team.

Unfortunately that is what we have been doing since time began. Idealist have strong beliefs. They are unwilling to compromise and must protect and defend their beliefs, even to the point of fanticism . Pragmatist believe only in what they can see and touch and thus they need to protect and control it. Those who live with the understanding that everyone has the right to choose, have stood back and allowed the darkness of fear to control the world. Instead of manifesting their light and bringing more into the Earth. 

Most of us have tried throughout the ages as we formed our focus of incarnations for we knew the possibilities ahead. However, the heaviness of the energies and the veils of amnesia and illusion have trapped most of us and we have not been able to rise above it. Now in this time of Earth Ascension, the energies are strongest and the help abundant for us to make the changes for ourselves, humanity and all life. 

In the Dark Ages the ones able to activate their heart mind connection and live Divinely guided, were able to start the age of Enlightenment. They brought books to the availablity of humanity, to bring teachings that started humanity to look beyond the pragmatism of daily life, and the control of the idealistic churches of the time. When this came forth it inspired ones to knew ideas, technologies, medical breakthroughs, and travel to new places. The new land being prepared for a new experience. 

Ones were tired of the state and church telling them what to do and believe. They goverment taking all their money, owning the land and their lives. They were tired of the churches persecuting anyone who didn’t believe as they dictated. They were inspired to seek a new home, later to be called America.

Two Beings guiding this program in preparation for a new generation of beings were El Morya and St Germain. They brought the flames of Divine Will and Freedom. St Germain was present and inspired the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. A governement of the people, by the people and for the people. They separated church and state for a purpose. We have forgotten the misery of the control of both church and state on the lives of many that lead to the dark ages. We have forgotten, the control of rulers and dictators who controlled the lives of the people, and killed or imprisoned people at their will. We have forgotten the persecution, torture and burning at the stake of people just because they believed differently. 

Thus it rises again in America. A land where for the first time since the last Golden Age, humanity had a choice in how they lived, by voting. It seems to me that the problem was that with the Age of Enlightenment, and the help of so many Angels and Beings of Light in the establishment of America, they thought that people would continue their spiritual growth of the heart enlightenment and unity with the Creator and each other. They believed that we would elect people of strong moral fiber that did what was best for the people, or we would not elect them again. They believed we would not be apathetic, and allow ones to make our political system a paid career in which they would decide the future of humanity, who didn’t care enough to vote. They believed that our leaders would work together or we would not elect them again. It appears their hopes and beliefs were misplaced. That money, greed and power have corrupted our system so that ego over rules compassion and service. That duality is stronger than unity and we have again allowed the lines between church and state to blur.

I said I write this from a spiritual perspective.  It is not that I am saying we should not have spiritual leaders, it was believed that we would elect and be guided in our system by ones who felt were of the highest spiritual morals and would serve ALL THE PEOPLE. No one church or relgious belief system would influence the system, for that goes back to the idealist who can’t see beyond their perspective to the higher perspective. This leads to persecution of ones of other beliefs being sanctioned by the government and dictatorship. 

What is needed is for us to live from the heart. We need to step up and hold the highest possible future as our vision, of a government guided by the Divine within the heart. To see a place of equality and abundance for ALL PEOPLE. We need to ask that the leaders who would not serve the highest good of All step aside and vote for those who come from a heart centered perspective. We need to be living examples of the heart and mind unity with the I AM Presence within to inspire others to reach higher. 

The changes are coming for Earth is Ascending. We can have dramatic, changes that cause fear and violence to erupt even more or move in a more balanced perspective. We need to be the calm in the eye of the storm. Know that something greater is coming. Don’t allow the fear around you to take you from your center. Hold your balance of a heart centered compassion. Do what you can to help others and bring more unity into the world. 

We are being asked to walk the middle path. The middle path is between the extremes of duality, to find the place of balance from living with heart centered guidance. This means living a life of ethical conduct, mindfulness of thought, word and deed and allowing the heart to connect us to the higher wisdom and perspective. It is a place of non attachment and to commit to truthfulness in all aspects of our life. 

In summation for America 2024. Please vote as guided by your heart or not if that is how you feel guided. However, if we don’t participate in our government we have not the right to complain, and it will never change. 

Perhaps we will not have the greatest of players from which to choose. You may feel guided to write in a name if your state allows this. Perhaps you even want to run. Please note this is done on a state and not federal level. You need to go to the election website of your state and type in write in candidates. To see what the rules are, some states they must be on a list to be a write in candidate.

Let us come together, united in our hearts to create the democracy which was envisioned and inspired for America. If we hold something in our hearts filled with love, the stronger we feel in seeing it complete the easier it is for it to manifest. State: I intend that the Creator send all the help possible to clear with the violet flame the obstructive energies to democracy, and to help to free people to see from a higher perspective. I intend for a country of ethical and inspired leadership of unity and cooperation to manifest. Surround your vision with golden light of the Creator and send it forth into the Univers, asking the Universe to help in manifesting this vision.

In intend America return to the Divine Vision it was intended. I intend we all live in Unity, compassion and love.

I Am Mareya Shimayah Elohim together with St Germain and El Morya  

Balance and Integration

Welcoming and integrating all the parts of yourself.

When this blog first came into my mind was with a realization tuning to a program I was guided to watch. Then as I began to write I realized how much more encompassing this topic could be. However, that being said let us begin.

I have been in the process of looking at myself and the blockages I still have left. The second part is balancing the spiritual and physical parts of my life more seamlessly, and integration the masculine and feminine. A part of this also involves taking a course that reflects upon lifetimes when I was a spiritually empowered person, but events happened which caused me to close off and even fear utilizing these energies and gifts in this life.

The show I was guided to watch was “Drop Dead Diva”, an episode called “Crazy” from 2009. The premise of the show is a model dies in an accident and goes to Heaven. She wants to come back and so she hits a big red return button. However, it doesn’t put back in her body it puts her in the body of highly intelligent and rubenesque lawyer who died of a heart attack. The points I was to understand in the episode where to remember, we die and come back in many forms. Just because the form we are in this time, might not be our dream form, we chose to come in and live this life. Thus we need to make the most of it and enjoy life to its fullest while helping others. In this particular episode she is defending a man who due to a brain tumor acts and lives his life differently and his son wants him declared incompetent. He is simply living every moment to its fullest. She defends him by showing the jury that the intelligence she has is no less valuable if she put on rabbit ears. It is simply our matter of perception and beliefs that make it so. 

As I began to write it brought back the work I have been doing personally and how this corresponds. We all have pushed the red button to return to life. Unlike the show we carefully plan each incarnation before returning. I work inbetween lifetimes to help others to read their akashaic and plan out their next incarnation. We look at the possibilities and plan the course with guides and teachers and take the leap back into form. Unfortunately, even with our belief we can overcome the veil of amnesia and the illusions of earth, we too often are overcome by the power of the control energy on earth, and can’t hear our guides and teachers. We stumble making rational choices based on our domestication by family and society and our experiences. We feel alone, abandoned by someone or something which is missing, a hole in our heart, which we search to fill. 

There are many ways we search, through addictions or control of others and our environment. There is a pain within us that needs healed not filled. It is by opening the heart, that we can connect to the Heart of Creation to heal and fill that empty space. In this we then know we are never alone. We can reconnect with our Soul, I Am Presence part of God, and our guides and teachers. We can begin to balance the spiritual and physical parts of our lives to enjoy both and share this joy and the light pouring through us with us to help them heal and inspire some. 

However, it is those lifetimes when we had encounters that left us afraid to step forward which need to be seen and the issues healed. In this way we can reclaim our spiritual wisdom, gifts and power. We can integrate and balance these parts of ourselves with the Being we are in this lifetime. I recently read a wisdom that addresses this when they say, ” We live many lives, and outside of our earth time continuum they are happening simultaneously. However, the important lifetime for us is this one in which we have the opportunity to Ascend and this allows for all other lifetimes to be freed to rise higher.” 

Thus, I realize the importance of the choice I made to jump off into the abyss and take a course to seek to address this lifetimes. I do not do it to seek power over others, but to seek to reclaim the wisdom of who I truly am a ‘daughter’ of the Creator and One with all Life. I came to help others to be able to do this also. I am not recommending spend a great deal of searching into past life times. For many simply want to know if they were someone important in another life to share this with others to feel more important in this lifetime. 

We have been victims and victimizers, poor and rich, male and female and a myriad of lifetimes, learning and experiencing. Because we are important in another lifetime doesn’t mean we didn’t choose to be a person of simple means and needs in this lifetime, to experience the entire spectrum. It is our choices that determine if we even succeed in completing the course we set for ourselves before incarnating. To seek in past lives should be about clearing blockages to our manifesting our full spiritual potential to Ascend and be of Service in this lifetime. That is what I am seeking to balance in this life. 

One great gift is humbleness, which means we have overcome ego. When we no longer need recognition for our actions and service, and need no outside validation for our lives. We know we are One with the Creator through our I AM Presence and to be of Service is a gift and Blessing. 

My prayer for each of you this year is that you are Blessed and inspired to seek the Divine within and to manifest the Divine Being you truly are that together we may make the connection between the Creator and Earth so that the Light of the Divine may shine through Earth and the grids and enlighten the hearts and minds of humanity to enter the Golden Age. 

Focus not upon fear in the days ahead. Let go of the badgering of bad news and fear and seek the vision of hope, joy, abundance and compassion for all.

I AM Mareya Shimayah Elohim


Probablities and Possibilities of Predicitons

We would all like to know for sure what will happen in 2024 to us and in the world. For when we know , we can begin to take control in some manner of our lives. Most humans do not like and even fear the unknown, more than an undesired probability or possibility. This is why so many fear death, for it is the unknown of what happens when we leave this mortal coil. 

Prophecy is a prediciton based on possibilities. There are books of prophecy from the sacred texts to prophecies from people like Nostradamus.  Most are written in a manner of symbology or prose that need to be interpreted. What all have in common even the ‘Book of Revelation’ is that it is based upon the probability that humans will continue to make predictable choices which will lead to probably outcomes. For instance, 666 is not the number of ‘a man’ but humanity. It is the carbon based element of our human form which keeps us trapped until we make the choice to reconnect with our Soul and I AM Presence. This begins the process of changing the body from carbon to crystalline light. A diamond and coal both are carbon based, but the coal forms close to the surface and is composed of plant matter, much like our human form. The diamond is formed deep underground and the pressure and heat which form it are different and there is no plant matter. Much like when we no longer let the human mind cause us pressure to make ego choices, we allow the light of the soul to reform us into crystalline Beings of Light.

There are predictions like those of Mr. Lichtman who uses variables based on past choices humans made in presidential races to predict the next outcome. The Egyptian god Thoth was said to have the ability to calculate out the probability of an event to infinitesimal accuracy. I asked him and he said that even those probable outcomes could change if people made different choices. One would think that the Creator would know the outcome. After all outside of our time/space continuum of Earth, time is circular and past, present and future all occur at once. So, if that is true how could the future not be known. All probably outcomes are seen, but they can shift and new ones appear with new choices by humanity. Think about parallel time lines and dimensions. 

The Creator knows that eventually all will return to the Light of Oneness, because all are part of the Creator expanding and exploring Creation. However, due to freedom of choice, and the law of non interference with choice, unless asked, the time or manner in which that happens differs with each choice we make. The Creator knows that eventually Earth will Ascend and that is happening now. The Creator knows that with that Ascension, all the help needed is being provided if we make the choice, for us to Ascend with Earth. If we will make that choice individually is the unknown. Why? Because we are disconnected from our Soul when we make ego choices that only benefit ourselves.

Time is circular outside of the Time/Space continuum of Earth. In this circular the past, present and future are all occurring simultaneously. So if this is true, why cannot a psychic predict the future with accuracy everytime. First, we can only reach information to the level of spiritual soul connection which we have and we can only understand that information based on our experiences. Think about a psychic in the middle ages seeing a helicopter or atomic bomb they would only be able to describe them based upon their understanding of their environment, even if spirit told them they were a helicopter or atomic bomb.

As Thoth said, even those events if probable at that time could change based upon the choices of humanity. For instance, a psychic once told me that when I reached 33 I would have completed my karma and could choose to leave at that time or stay and help humanity. When I turned 33 on my birthday, I had a near death experience, it won’t go into detail, the event was recorded in the newspapers. At the moment I knew I was going to die, I called out, “Please don’t let me die like this”. I was trapped underwater and being crushed, and in that minute I was free. I had asked and help had come. My ordeal was not over, but I had made the choice to stay and be of service. I could have given into fear of the pain of being crushed and passed at that moment. I have no fear of death for I understand what happens after we leave this human form. 

I would like to give an example of choices changing the future. Long ago when Earth was at a low point, and it was thought to allow humans to become extinct on earth, Sanat Kumara stepped in and pledged of his Light and Being to help to uplift humanity. Then at another low point, after Atlantis sunk, Thoth pledged to build a Grid System around earth to keep the energies at a consciousness level of sustainability until we could rise back up. Many of the stone circles and megalithic sites are part of this. Then again in the early 1900 it was thought with the atomic weapons we would destory ourselves, and affect all the Universe and it was a time of decision what to do about us. Then St Germain stepped in and pledged of his light and energy along with Archangel Zadkiel, requesting to bring to humanity the Violet Fire of Transmutation of the Creator to Earth to transmute the lower energies to help free us consciously to make higher choice that benefit all life. This worked for on May 25, 1986 people formed a human chain across america for 15 minutes to ask for peace. It brought forth New Years group meditations around the world that continue today. This further prompted the Harmonic Convergence August 16-17, 1987. A time when people gathered together to meditate, share and pray for peace. To share wisdom of their different cultures. 

These were not random days but two days when the most planes formed triune alignments of 120 degree angles believed to promote harmony. IT WORKED as did the gift of the Violet Fire of St Germain. We tipped the scales to the positive direction and it was decided that more help would be given to us to help us to Ascend with Earth. CHOICES MATTER.

It was the choices of these people that changed the future of all humanity. 

So, I can’t tell you what the new year will bring. I don’t want to do so. I hope as do the multitude of Light Beings who are trying to help us that you will reach out through your heart to yours soul and hear the higher perspective of what to do and come together with others, in peace, harmony, balance, love and compassion to create a better world than we experienced at any other time since the Golden Ages of the past.

IT IS POSSIBLE – it is up to us. When we hear woke, this is what it means to me. To Awaken to the Divine that exists within you at all time. To create a better future by taking responsibility for your choices, your thoughts, your words and your deed. 

Ascension of Earth will happen no matter what you choose, it is if you will go with it and if what we experience in the meantime is uplifting or chaotic. The choice is yours.

May your New Year be Prosperous, Joyful and Inspirational. May you heal the old wounds to bring peace and balance into your Life. Find your HEART LIGHT and Let it shine

Let your heart light shine.